Papers in Conference Proceedings
- G. Rai, E.J. Lavernia and N.J. Grant, “Effect of Process Variables on the Particle Characteristics in the USGA Process”, Proceedings of The Fifth International Powder Metallurgy Conference, Vol. 41, pp. 55-65, San Francisco, CA, July 1985.
- E.J. Lavernia, T. Ando and N.J. Grant, “Structures and Properties of Lithium Containing X2020 Aluminum Alloys Produced by Liquid Dynamic Compaction”, Proceedings of ASM’s International Conference on Rapidly Solidified Materials, San Diego, CA, 3-5 Feb., P. Lee and R. Carbonara, eds., pp. 29-44, Feb. 1986.
- E.J. Lavernia, G.W. McKewan and N.J. Grant, “Structure and Properties of Rapidly Solidified Aluminum Alloys 2024 and 2024 Plus 1% Lithium Using Liquid Dynamic Compaction”, Proceedings of the 1986 Annual Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 42, pp. 457-478, Boston MA, 1986.
- J.M. Nell, G. Rai, E.J. Lavernia and N.J. Grant, “Microstructures and Properties of AN IN-100 Tube Produced by Liquid Dynamic Compaction”, Proceedings of the 1986 Annual Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 42,
- pp. 67-84, Boston, Ma., May 18-21, 1986.
- S. Tanigawa, Y. Hara, E.J. Lavernia, R.C. O’Handley and N.J. Grant, “Fe-Nd-B
- Permanent Magnets Made by Liquid Dynamic Compaction”, conference proceedings, INTERMAG, Phoenix, AZ, May 1986.
- E.J. Lavernia, E. Gutierrez, J. Szekely and N.J. Grant, “Heat Flow Behavior During Spray Deposition of a Nickel Base Superalloy by Liquid Dynamic Compaction”, Proceedings of the 1987 Annual Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, Progress in Powder Metallurgy, Volume 43, pp. 683-710, 1987.
- M. Veistinen, Y. Hara, E.J. Lavernia, R.C. O’Handley and N.J. Grant,
- “Optimization of Liquid Dynamic Compaction for Fe-Nd-B Permanent Magnets”, Proceedings of the 1987 Materials Research Society Meeting, Anaheim, CA.,
- pp. 93-101, 1987.
- P.J. Meschter, R.J. Lederich and J.E. O’Neal, McDonnell Douglas Research
- Laboratories, St. Louis, MO 63166. E.J. Lavernia and N.J. Grant, Department
- of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
- Cambridge, MA 02139, “Microstructures and Properties of Rapid Solidification Processed Aluminum-High Lithium Alloys”, Fourth International Aluminum Lithium Conference, Paris, France, pp. 1-9, 1986.
- E.J. Lavernia and E. Gutierrez, “Near Net Shape Processing by Spray Atomization and Deposition”, conference proceedings, International Symposium on Casting of Near Net Shape Products, November 13-17, 1988, Honolulu, Hawaii, Y. Sahai, J.E. Battles, R.S. Carbonara and C.E. Mobley, eds., TMS, pp. 275-298, 1988.
- E.J. Lavernia, E. Gutierrez and G. Trapaga, “Heat Transfer and Solidification Behavior During Spray Atomization and Deposition of Low Carbon Steels”, Proceedings of the 1988 International Powder Metallurgy Conference, Orlando, Florida June 5-10, pp. 1-23, 1988.
- M. Ruhr, I. Ucok, E. J. Lavernia and J. Baram, “Metastable Phases and Microstructure of a Rapidly Solidified Al-Li-Mn-Zr Alloy for High Temperature Applications”, Fourth Israel International Materials EngineeringConference -I.M.E.C. IV, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 7-8, pp. 157-165, December 1988.
- K.T. Park, E.J. Lavernia and F.A. Mohamed, “The Stress Dependence of Creep Rate in Silicon Carbide Particulate Reinforced 6061 Aluminum”, Conference Proceedings of the Fourth Israel International Materials Engineering Conference – I.M.E.C. IV, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 7-8 December, pp. 369-374, 1988.
- E.Y. Ting and E.J. Lavernia, “Superplastic Behavior in a Spray Deposited Experimental 7075 Al Alloy”, Light Weight Alloys for Aerospace Applications, E.W. Lee, E.H. Chia and N.J. Kim, eds., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, pp. 409-418, 1989.
- M. Ruhr, I. Ucok, E. J. Lavernia and J. Baram, “Metastable Phases and
- Microstructure of a Rapidly Solidified Al-Li-Mn-Zr Alloy for High Temperature Applications”, Light Weight Alloys for Aerospace Applications, E.W.
- Lee, E.H. Chia and N.J. Kim, eds., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society,
- Warrendale, PA, pp. 79-97, 1989.
- J. Jacob, J. Schoenung and E.J. Lavernia, “Economic Feasibility of Producing Metal Matrix Composites by Spray Atomization and Deposition”, Proceedings of the University-Industry Advanced Materials Conference, sponsored by the Materials Research Society, (MRS) Denver, Colorado, March 6-9, pp. 1-8, 1989.
- V.G. McDonell, E.J. Lavernia and G.S. Samuelsen, “Simultaneous Measurement of Particle Size and Velocity Using Phase Doppler Interferometry”, Synthesis and Analysis in Materials Processing: Advances in Characterization and Diagnostics of Ceramic and Metal Particulate Processing, E.J. Lavernia, H. Henein and
- I. Anderson, eds., TMS, pp. 30-55, 1989.
- M. Gupta, F. Mohamed and E. Lavernia “Spray Atomization and Deposition of an Al-Cu-Li-Zr Alloy”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Aluminum-Lithium Conference, Williamsburg, Va., March 27-31, pp. 75-84, 1989.
- K.T. Park, E. Lavernia and F. Mohamed, “Creep Behavior of an Aluminum- Lithium Alloy”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Aluminum-Lithium Conference, Williamsburg, Va., March 27-31, pp. 1155-1162, 1989.
- M. Gupta, F.A. Mohamed and E.J. Lavernia, “Processing of Al-Li-SiCp
- Materials Using Variable Co-Deposition of Multi-Phase Materials”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Processing and Characterization of Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites, H. Mostaghaci, ed., The Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 236-253, 1989.
- M. Gupta, J. Marinkovich, F. Mohamed and E.J. Lavernia, “Processing of Two Al-Li-X-Zr (X=Cu, Mg and Ge)”, Advances in Powder Metallurgy, Volume 1-3, Metal Powder Industries Federation, Princeton, N.J., pp. 139-160, 1989.
- E. Gutierrez and E.J. Lavernia, “Analysis of Thermal Conditions and Microstructure in Ultrasonically Atomized Aluminum Alloy Powder”, Physical Chemistry of Powder Metals Production and Processing, ed., W.S. Small, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, pp. 175-200, 1989
- E. Gutierrez and E.J. Lavernia, “Momentum Transfer and Heat Flow in Liquid Metal Atomization Processes,” conference proceedings, Heat Transfer in Powder Processing, ASME 1989 winter annual meeting, San Francisco, California, December 10-15, 1989.
- M. Gupta, I. Ibrahim, F. Mohamed, and E. Lavernia, “Wetting and Interfacial Reactions in Al-Li-SiCp MMCs Using Spray Atomization and Deposition”, Proceedings of Symposium on Fundamental Relationships between Microstructure & Mechanical Properties of Metal Matrix Composites, The Metallurgical Society Fall Meeting, October 1-5, Indianapolis, Indiana, pp. 1-19, 1989.
- T. Chanda, W.E. Frazier, F. Mohamed, and E. Lavernia, “A Fundamental Study of the Microstructure of Al-Ti-SiCp Materials Using Variable Co-Deposition of Multi-Phase Materials”, Metal and Ceramic Matrix Composites: Processing,
- Modeling and Mechanical Behavior, R.B. Bhagat, A.H. Clauer, P. Kumar and A.M. Ritter, eds., TMS, pp. 47-66, 1990.
- M. Gupta, F. Mohamed, and E. Lavernia, “The Effects of Solidification Phenomena on the Distribution of Ceramic Reinforcements During Spray Atomization and Deposition”, Metal and Ceramic Matrix Composites:
- Processing, Modeling and Mechanical Behavior, R.B. Bhagat, A.H. Clauer,
- P. Kumar and A.M. Ritter, eds., TMS, pp. 91-106, 1990.
- I.A. Ibrahim, F. Mohamed, and E. Lavernia, “Spray Atomization and Deposition
- Processing of 6061 Al/SiCp Metal Matrix Composites”, conference proceedings, International Conference on Advanced Aluminum andMagnesium Alloys, ASM International, 20-22 June, Amsterdam, pp. 745-754, 1990.
- D.H. Kim, E.J. Lavernia and J.C. Earthman, “Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of a Continuous Alumina Reinforced Magnesium Alloy”, conference proceedings, VI TMS Northeast Regional Symposium on High Performance Composites for the 1990’s, New Jersey, pp. 1-10, 1990.
- .S. Srivatsan, R. Auradkar, C. Butler, P. Butler, A. Prakash and E.J. Lavernia, “Cyclic Stress Response Characteristics of an Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composite”, conference proceedings, International Powder Metallurgy Conference, May 20-23, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 1-18, 1990.
- T. Chanda, E.J. Lavernia and J. Wolfenstine, “Elevated Temperature Behavior of Al-Li-Mg-Ge-Zr-SiCp Processed using Spray Atomization and Deposition”, Hot Deformation of Aluminum Alloys, T.G. Langdon, H.D. Merchant, J.G. Morris and M.A. Zaidi, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, pp. 141-150, 1991.
- T. Chanda, F. Mohamed, and E.J. Lavernia, “Elevated Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Al-Ti-SiCp Materials”, conference proceedings, Symposium on High Temperature/Low density PM Aluminum Alloys, W.E. Frazier, M.J. Koczak and P. W. Lee, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, pp. 83-95, 1991.
- T.S. Srivatsan, R. Auradkar, A. Prakash and E.J. Lavernia, “Influence of Microstructure on Cyclic Stress Response and Cyclic Fracture Behavior of an Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composite”, conference proceedings, Joint FEFG/IC International Conference on Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, S.H. Teoh and K.H. Lee, eds., Elsevier Applied Science, pp. 194-202, August 6-8, Singapore, 1991.
- Z. Xiaolu and E.J. Lavernia, “A Fundamental Study of Interfacial Behavior during Spray Atomization and Deposition”, in Advanced Sensing, Modelling and Control of Materials Processing, E.F. Matthys and B. Kushner, eds., The Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, PA, pp. 189-208, 1992.
- J. Zhang, M.N. Gungor and E.J. Lavernia, “Spray Deposition Processing of Al/SiC/Graphite Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites for Intrinsic Damping”, conference proceedings, Eight International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM/8, S.W. Tsai and G.S. Springer, eds., SAMPE, Covina, CA, pp. 17-H-1 – 17-H-12, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 12-17, 1991.
- J. Zhang, M.N. Gungor and E.J. Lavernia, “The Effects of Porosity on the Microstructural Damping Response of a 6061 Al Alloy”, conference proceedings, Damping 1991, p. GDE, San Diego, CA, February 13-15, 1991.
- X. Liang and E.J. Lavernia, “On The Microstructure of Ni3Al/SiC/TiB2 Intermetallic Matrix Composites Processed by Spray Atomization and Co-Deposition”, conference proceedings, Symposium on Structure Property Relationships for Metal/Metal Interfaces, Materials Research Society Meeting, A.D. Roming, D.E. Fowler and P.D. Bristowe, eds., Vol. 229, Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc., New York, NY, 1991.
- R. Perez, J. Zhang, and E.J. Lavernia, “Characterization of Damping Response of Metal Matrix Composites”, conference proceedings, 17th International Symposium for Testing & Failure Analysis, ASM, Metals Park, Ohio, November 11-15, 1991.
- X. Liang, J.C. Earthman and E.J. Lavernia, “Interfacial Behavior in Ni3Al/TiB2 Intermetallic Matrix Composites”, Advanced Metal Matrix Composites for Elevated Temperatures, M. Gungor, E.J. Lavernia, and S. G. Fishman, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, pp. 115-120, 1991.
- X. Liang, J.C. Earthman and E.J. Lavernia, “Microstructure and High Temperature Behavior of a Spray Atomized and Co-Deposited Ni3Al/TiB2 Intermetallic Matrix Composite”, Advanced Metal Matrix Composites for Elevated Tempearures, M. Gungor, E.J. Lavernia, and S. G. Fishman, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, pp. 121-127, 1991.
- T.S. Srivatsan and E.J. Lavernia, “Synthesis of Particulate Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites using Spray Techniques”, Processing and Manufacturing of Composite Materials, T.S. Srivatsan and S. Chandrashekhar, eds., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, PED-Vol. 49/MD-Vol. 27, pp. 197-221, 1992.
- M. Gupta, F.A. Mohamed, and E.J. Lavernia, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Cu Based Metal Matrix Composites Using Spray Atomization and Co-Deposition”, Conference Proceedings,of the 1992 TMS Meeting, San Diego, CA, The Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, PA, 1992.
- H. Kim, X. Liang, J.C. Earthman, and E.J. Lavernia, “High Temperature Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms in Monolithic and Particulate Reinforced Nickel Aluminide Processed by Spray Atomization and Co-Deposition”, conference proceedings, The Fifth International Conference on Creep of Materials, C.H.A. Townley and M. Ohnami, eds., Lake Buena Vista, Florida, p. 151, May 18-21,1992.
- G. Solovioff, E.J. Lavernia, E. Abramov, and D. Eliezer, “An Electron Microscopy Study of the Hydrogen Effects in Al-Ti/SiCp Metal Matrix Composites”, conference proceedings, Xth European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Granada, Spain, Volume 2, EUREM 92, pp. 329-330, September 7-11, 1992.
- A. Campo and E.J. Lavernia, “Unified Transient Response of a Phase-Change Thermal Energy Storage for Space-Based Applications”, conference proceedings, Nuclear Technologies Conference, Jackson Hole, WY, August, 1992.
- X. Liang, A. Campo and E.J. Lavernia, “Solidification and Heat Transfer Aspects of Non-Equilibrium Processing of Advanced Structural Materials”, conference proceedings, Encontro Nacional de Ciencias Termicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 1-7, 1992.
- J. Zhang, R.J. Perez, M.N. Gungor and E.J. Lavernia, “Damping Characterization of Graphite Particulate Reinforced Aluminum Composites”, Developments in Ceramic and Metal-Matrix Composites, K. Upadhya, ed., TMS 1992 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 1992.
- H. Kim, X. Liang, J.C. Earthman, and E.J. Lavernia, “High Temperature Rupture Mechanisms in a Particulate Reinforced Intermetallic Matrix Composite”, conference proceedings, Symposium on Processing, Fabrication and Performance of Composite Materials II , T.S. Srivatsan and E.J. Lavernia, eds., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 1992.
- K.T. Park, E.J. Lavernia and F.A. Mohamed, “A Comparison of Creep Behavior of 6061 Al and SiC-6061 Al”, conference proceedings, Symposium on Processing, Fabrication and Performance of Composite Materials II , T.S. Srivatsan and E.J. Lavernia, eds., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 1992.
- M. Gupta, T.S. Srivatsan, F.A. Mohamed, and E.J. Lavernia, “Influence of Spray Atomization and Co-Deposition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Cu Based Metal Matrix Composites”, conference proceedings, Symposium on Processing, Fabrication and Performance of Composite Materials II , T.S. Srivatsan and E.J. Lavernia, eds., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 1992.
- Y.L. Jeng, E.J. Lavernia, R.M. Hayes and J. Wolfenstine, “Creep Behavior of Al-Rich Fe-Al Intermetallics” International Conference on Intermetallics, San Diego, CA, 1994.
- K.T. Park, E.J. Lavernia and F.A. Mohamed, “High Temperature Deformation of 6061-Al Produced by Powder Metallurgy”, conference proceedings, Advanced Synthesis of Engineered Structural Materials, American Society for Metals, J. Moore, E.J. Lavernia, and F. Froes, eds., San Francisco, CA, August 30-September 2, 1992.
- Y. Wu and E.J. Lavernia, “Microstructure and Room Temperature Mechanical Properties of Spray Atomized and Co-Deposited Al-12 wt.% Si MMCs”, conference proceedings, Advanced Synthesis of Engineered Structural Materials, American Society for Metals, J. Moore, E.J. Lavernia, and F. Froes, eds., San Francisco, CA, pp. 253-262, August 30-September 2, 1992.
- Y. Wu, W. Cassada and Enrique J. Lavernia, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Spray Deposited Al-Si 390 Alloy”, conference proceedings, Advanced Synthesis of Engineered Structural Materials, American Society for Metals, J. Moore, E.J. Lavernia, and F. Froes, eds., San Francisco, CA, pp. 245-252, August 30-September 2, 1992.
- J. Zhang, R.J. Perez, M. Gupta, M.N. Gungor and E.J. Lavernia, “Damping Behavior of Particulate Reinforced 2519 Al Metal Matrix Composites”, conference proceedings, Damping of Multiphase Inorganic Materials, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, Fall Meeting, 1992 Chicago, IL, pp. 1-8.
- J. Zhang, R.J. Perez, M. Gupta, M.N. Gungor and E.J. Lavernia, “Effect of SiC and Graphite Particulates on Damping Behavior of Metal Matrix Composites”, conference proceedings, Damping of Multiphase Inorganic Materials, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, 1992 Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, pp. 115-122.
- X. Liang and E.J. Lavernia, “Analysis of Microstructure Evolution during Spray Atomization and Deposition”, conference proceedings, International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, ASM, Metals Park, Ohio, pp. 227-235, CA, May 1992.
- H. Liu, E. Muehlberger, A. Sickinger, E.J. Lavernia and R.H. Rangel, “Deformation and Interaction Behavior of Molten Droplets Impinging on a Flat Substrate in Plasma Spray Process”, ASM International conference proceedings, Thermal Spray Coatings: Research, Design and Applications, C.C. Berndt and T.F. Bernecki, eds., ASM, Metals Park, Ohio, pp. 457-462, Anaheim, CA, June 7-11, 1993.
- T.S. Srivatsan and E.J. Lavernia, “Synthesis of Discontinuously Reinforced Metal-Ceramic Composites using Spray Atomization and Deposition Processing”, proceedings of symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials for High Temperature Applications II, V.A. Ravi and T.S. Srivatsan, eds., The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, pp. 141-168, 1992.
- X. Liang and Enrique J. Lavernia, “Analysis of Microstructure During Spray Atomization and Deposition”, conference proceedings, Advanced Synthesis of Engineered Structural Materials, American Society for Metals, J. Moore, E.J. Lavernia, and F. Froes, eds., San Francisco, CA, pp. 245-252, pp. 227-236, August 30-September 2, 1992.
- Y. Wu, H. Liu, and E.J. Lavernia, “Solidification Behavior of Al-Si/SiC MMCs During Wedge-Mold Casting”, proceedings of symposium on Microstructure Formation during Solidification of MMCs, P.K. Rohatgi, ed., The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, pp. 41-62, 1993.
- Y. Wu and Enrique J. Lavernia, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Si MMCs Processed by Spray Atomization and Deposition”, conference proceedings, International Powder Metallurgy Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, July 12-15, 1993.
- Y. L. Jeng, E.J. Lavernia, and J. Wolfenstine, “Processing and Mechanical Behavior of Plasma Sprayed SiC Reinforced MoSi2”, Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials III, V.A. Ravi, T.S. Srivatsan and J. Moore, eds., TMS 1994 Fall Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 863-874, 1994.
- Y. L. Jeng, J. Wolfenstine, and E.J. Lavernia, D. E. Bailey and A. Sickinger , “SiC Reinforced MoSi2 Composites Prepared by Low-Pressure Plasma Deposition” PM in Aerospace, Defense and Demanding Applications – 1993, F. H. Froes, ed., Metal Powder Industries Federation, Princeton, NJ, pp. 147-156, 1993.
- X. Zeng, S.R. Nutt, and E.J. Lavernia, “Microstructural Characterization of Ni3Al Processed by Reactive Atomization and Deposition”, Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials III, V.A. Ravi, T.S. Srivatsan and J. Moore, eds., TMS 1993 Fall Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 461-474, 1994.
- R.J. Perez, J. Zhang, M.N. Gungor and E.J. Lavernia, “Damping Behavior of 6061 Al/SiC/Gr Metal Matrix Composites”, conference proceedings, Damping 93, Flight Dynamics Directorate, Wright Laboratory, Air Force Materiel Command, Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7562, Report No. WL-TR-93-3105, Vol. 3, pp. HCA-1-HCA-15, 1993.
- H. Liu, E. Muehlberger, A. Sickinger, E.J. Lavernia and R.H. Rangel, “Numerical Investigation of Micro-Pore Formation During Substrate Impact of Molten Droplets in Spraying Processes”, ASM International Conference Proceedings, National Thermal Spray Meeting, Boston, MA, June 1994.
- D.E. Lawrynowicz, J. Wolfenstine, S. Nutt and E.J. Lavernia, D. E. Bailey and A. Sickinger, “Synthesis and Properties of MoSi2/SiC Processed by Low Pressure Plasma Co-Injection and Deposition”, conference proceedings, pp. 139-147, 1994 MRS Meeting, Boston, MA.
- H. Liu, W. Cai, R.H. Rangel and E.J. Lavernia, “Numerical and Experimental Study of Porosity Evolution during Plasma Spray Deposition of W”, conference proceedings, NATO Advanced Materials Conference, M.A. Otooni, ed., Science and Technology of Rapid Solidification Processing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 73-107, West Point, MD, June 1994.
- H. Liu, E.J. Lavernia, and R.H. Rangel, “Modeling of Molten Droplet Impingement on a Non-Flat Surface”, conference proceedings, 1994 ASME Annual Meeting.
- D.E. Lawrynowicz and E.J. Lavernia, “Spray Atomization and Deposition of Fiber Reinforced Intermetallic Matrix Composites”, High Performance Metal and Ceramic Composites, K. Upadhya, ed., The Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, PA, pp. 145-156, 1994.
- Y.C. Wu, E. Chin and E.J. Lavernia, “Microstructure and Aging Response of Spray Deposited Al-Li/TiCp”, High Performance Metal and Ceramic Composites, K. Upadhya, ed., The Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, PA, pp. 13-22, 1994.
- E.J. Lavernia, R.J. Perez, and J. Zhang, “Damping Mechanisms in 6061Al/SiC/Gr Hybrid Processed using Spray Atomization and Deposition, ” M3D Conference Proceedings, V.K. Kinra and A. Wolfenden, eds., 1994.
- J. Zhang, R.J. Perez and E.J. Lavernia, “Damping Mechanisms in 6061Al/SiC/Gr Metal Matrix Composites Processed using Spray Atomization and Deposition”, High Performance Composites, K.K. Chawla, ed., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, pp. 361-376, 1994.
- Y. Wu and E.J. Lavernia, “Particle Fracture Behavior in Particle-Reinforced Intrinsic Metal Matrix Composites”, High Performance Composites, K.K. Chawla, ed., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, pp. 321-334, 1994.
- Y.C. Wu, and E.J. Lavernia, “Mechanical Behavior of Al-Si-X (X-SiC, TiB2) Processed by Spray Atomization and Deposition”, Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials III, V.A. Ravi, T.S. Srivatsan and J. Moore, eds., TMS 1993 Fall Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 501-512, 1994.
- D.E. Lawrynowicz, J. Wolfenstine, and E.J. Lavernia, S. Nutt , D. E. Bailey, A. Sickinger, and A.M. Hirt, “In-Situ Processing and Characterization of MoSi2/SiC Processed by Reactive Low Pressure Plasma Deposition”, conference proceedings, 1995 MRS Meeting, Boston, MA.
- D.E. Lawrynowicz, X. Liang, T.S. Srivatsan, and E.J. Lavernia, “Microstructure and Fracture Behavior of a Spray Atomized and Deposited Nickel Aluminide Intermetallic”, conference proceedings, Second International Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture of Ordered Intermetallic Materials, Fatigue and Fracture of Ordered Intermetallics II, W.O. Soboyejo, T.S. Srivatsan and R.O Ritchie, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA 1994.
- J. Wolfenstine, Y.-L. Jeng, E.J. Lavernia and R.W. Hayes, “Processing and Mechanical Behavior of Al-Rich Fe-Al Alloys”, Light Weight Alloys for Aerospace Applications, E.W. Lee, N.J. Kim, K.V. Jata and W.E. Frazier, eds., TMS, Warrendale PA, pp. 255-262, 1995.
- B. Li, W. X. Liang, J.C. Earthman, and E.J. Lavernia, “Two Dimensional Profile of Momentum and Thermal Behavior of Spray Atomized ?-TiAl Droplets”, conference proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Powder Metallurgy in Aerospace, Defense and Demanding Applications, May 8-10, 1995, Anaheim, CA, MPIF, Princeton, NJ.
- P79. J. Zhang, Y. Wu, X. Zeng, and E.J. Lavernia, “Reactive Atomization and Deposition Processing for Enhanced Damping Capacity”, conference proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Powder Metallurgy in Aerospace, Defense and Demanding Applications, May 8-10, 1995, Anaheim, CA, MPIF, Princeton, NJ.
- J.-P. Delplanque, E.J. Lavernia, and R.H. Rangel, “Multi-Directional Solidification Model for the Description of Micro-Pore Formation in Spray Deposition Processes”, 1995 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Fundamentals of Heat Transfer in Metals and Materials Processing, November 12-17, 1995, San Francisco, CA.
- X. Zeng, H. Liu and E.J. Lavernia, “Reactive Atomization and Deposition Processing of Ni3Al/Y2O3 using N2-O2 Atomization”, conference proceedings, ICCM 9, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, U.K., pp. 731-738.
- L. Del Castillo, Y. Wu and E.J. Lavernia, “Microstructure and Elevated Temperature Properties of 5083 Al-Mg Alloy Produced Utilizing Spray Atomization and Deposition”, conference proceedings, 1995 International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition, May 15-17, 1995, Seattle Washington, MPIF.
- B. Huang, R. Perez, A Sharif and E.J. Lavernia, “Improved Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline Fe by In-Situ Dispersion of Nanoscale Particles”, Proceedings of the 1995 TMS Meeting, Cleveland, OHIO, TMS, 1995.
- R. Perez, B. Huang, A Sharif and E.J. Lavernia, “Thermal Stability of Cryomilled Fe-10 wt.% Al”, Processing and Properties of Nanocrystalline Materials, C. Suryanarayana, J. Singh and F.H. Froes, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA. pp. 245-254, 1996.
- J. Zhang, R. Perez and E.J. Lavernia, “Influence of Heat Treatment on the Damping Behavior of 6061Al/SiC/Gr Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites Processed using Spray Deposition”, Proceedings of the 1995 M3D Meeting, Norfolk, VA, 11/15-16, 1995.
- J.-P. Delplanque, W.D. Cai, R.H. Rangel and E.J. Lavernia, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Porosity Evolution during Low Pressure Plasma Spray Deposition of W”, conference proceedings, International Conference on W and Refractory Metals, November 1995, Arlington, VA.
- B. Huang, R. Perez, S. Nutt and E.J. Lavernia, “Effect of Ni on the Cryogenic Attritor Milling of Metglas Fe78B13Si9”, Processing and Properties of Nanocrystalline Materials, C. Suryanarayana, J. Singh and F.H. Froes, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA. pp. 211-220, 1996.
- P88. M.L. Lau, B. Huang, R. Perez, S. Nutt and E.J. Lavernia, “Synthesis of Nanocrystalline M50 Steel by Cryomilling”, Processing and Properties of Nanocrystalline Materials, C. Suryanarayana, J. Singh and F.H. Froes, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA. pp. 255-264, 1996.
- M.L. Lau, B. Huang, R. Perez, S. Nutt and E.J. Lavernia, “Synthesis of Nanocrystalline M50 Steel Powders by Cryomilling”, Proceedings of the 1996 TMS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, TMS in press, 1996.
- B. Huang, R. Perez and E.J. Lavernia, “Grain Growth Impediment of Fe-Based Nanocomposites during Heat Treatment at Elevated Temperatures”, Proceedings of the 1995 MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, in press, 1995.
- M.L. Lau, B. Huang, R. Perez, S. Nutt and E.J. Lavernia, “Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline M50 Steel Powders by Cryomilling”, Proceedings of the 1995 MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, in press, 1995.
- R. Perez, B. Huang and E.J. Lavernia, “Effect of In-Situ Formation of Nanoscale ?-Al2O3 and AlN on Thermal Stability of Cryomilled Nanocrystalline Fe”, Proceedings of the 1995 MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, in press, 1995.
- B. Huang, R. Perez, P.J. Crawford, S. Nutt and E.J. Lavernia, “Mechanical Crystallization of Metglas Fe78B13Si9 by Cryogenic High Energy Ball Milling”, Proceedings of the 1995 MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, in press, 1995.
- J.-P. Delplanque, W.D. Cai, R.H. Rangel and E.J. Lavernia, “Spray Atomization and Deposition of Ta Alloys”, Proceedings of the 1996 TMS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Feb 5-8, 1996.
- Y. Zhou, S.W. Lee, V.G. McDonell, G.S. Sameulsen, R.L. Kozarek and E.J. Lavernia, “Application of Phase Doppler Interferometry for Characterization of Sprays Produced by a Linear Atomizer Developed for Aluminum Sheet Deposition”, Proceedings of the 1996 ILASS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 1996.
- X. Liang, E.J. Lavernia, and J. Wolfenstine “Reactive Plasma Spraying with Methane”, Proceedings of the 1995 Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, MPIF, NJ, pp. 7-127 – 7-135, 1995.
- S.C. Lim, M. Gupta, Y.F. Leng and E.J. Lavernia, “Wear of a Spray Deposited Hypereutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloy”, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, Singapore, July 1996.
- J.P. Delplanque, E.J. Lavernia, and R.H. Rangel, “Simulation of Micropore Formation in Spray Deposition Processes”, Proceedings of the 1996 ASME Second Int. Conf. on Heat Transfer in Multiphase Flow, Nov. 11-17, 1997.
- Y. Li, E.J. Lavernia and F.A. Mohamed, “High Temperature Deformation in a Ta-W Alloy”, Proceedings of the 1996 TMS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, Feb. 5-8, 1996.
- S. Ho and E.J. Lavernia, “Investigation of Thermal Residual Stresses in Layered 2024Al/SiC Composite using Finite Element Method and X-Ray Diffraction”, 1996 TMS/ASM International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, TMS Warrendale, PA, 1996.
- B. Li and E.J. Lavernia, “Spray Forming of ? Ti-Al Alloys”, Third International Conference on Spray Forming, Cardif, Wales, U.K., August 1996.
- J.-P. Delplanque, R.H. Rangel and E.J. Lavernia, “Manufacturing of Net-Shapes using Spray Forming: Integration of Process Design, Energy and Environmental Issues”, Proceedings of the 1996 Int. Conf. on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, Cleveland, OH, July 25-26, 1996.
- S. Anand, T.S. Srivatsan, Y. Wu and E.J. Lavernia, “The Tensile Behavior of a Spray Deposited Aluminum-Silicon Alloy”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Advanced Materials, Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, T.S. Srivatsan and J. Moore, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, 1996.
- T. Hsieh, H. Choe, E.J. Lavernia, and J. Wolfenstine, “Processing and Properties of MoSi2-Si3N4 Composites”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Advanced Materials, Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, T.S. Srivatsan and J. Moore, eds., pp. 337-346, 1996, TMS, Warrendale, PA.
- J.P. Delplanque, R.H. Rangel, and E.J. Lavernia, “Manufacturing of Net-Shapes Using Spray Forming: Integration of Process Design, Energy and Environmental Issues”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, M. Shahinpoor and J. Weinrach, eds., Vol. 4, pp. 87-94, July 23-25, 1996, Cleveland, OH.
- H.G. Jiang, R. Perez, M.L. Lau and E.J. Lavernia, “Structural Evolution of Fe Rich Fe-Al Alloys during Ball Milling and Subsequent Heat Treatment”, Proceedings of the 1996 MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, in press, 1996.
- S. Anand, Y. Wu, T.S.Srivatsan and E.J. Lavernia, “Spray Atomized and Deposited Hypereutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloy”, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials VI, K.A. Khor, T.S. Srivatsan and J.J. Moore, eds., Sept. 1997, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
- L. Martinez, M. Amaya, O. Flores, D. Lawrynowicz and E.J. Lavernia, “High Temperature Fracture During Forging of FeAl Intermetallic Alloys Fabricated Using Spray Atomization and Alumina Particulate”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, J.C. Earthman and F.A. Mohamed, eds., pp. 395-404, University of California, Irvine, August 10-15, 1997.
- E.J. Lavernia, M.L. Lau, and H.G. Jiang, “Thermal Spray Processing of Nanocrystalline Materials”, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nanostructures Materials: Science and Technology, August 10-20, 1997, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- J.-P. Delplanque, W.D. Cai and E.J. Lavernia, “Evaluating Porosity in Spray Deposited Materials”, Proceedings of the 1998 TMS Annual Meeting: Solidification and Deposition of Molten Metal Droplets, February 15-19, 1998, San Antonio,TX.
- Martinez, M. Amaya, J. Porcayo-Calderon and E.J. Lavernia, “High-Temperature Electrochemical Testing ofSpray-Atomized and Deposited Iron Aluminides Alloyed with Boron and Reinforced with Alumina Particulates”, Proceedings of the 1998 TMS Annual Meeting: International Symposium on Iron Aluminides: Alloy Design, Processing, Properties & Applications: Powder Processing, Corrosion and Wear , February 15-19, 1998, San Antonio,TX.
- Dai, J.-P. Delplanque and E.J. Lavernia, “Grain Growth Following Recrystallization in Reactive Spray Deposited Al-Mg-Mn Alloys”, conference proceedings 1998 IMECE meeting; session, “Transport Phenomena in Rapid Solidification Processing”, November, 1998, Anaheim, CA.
- M.L. Lau, V.V. Gupta and E.J. Lavernia, “Particle Behavior of Nanocrystalline 316-Stainless Steel during High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Thermal Spray”, Proceedings of the Nano’98 Conference: The Fourth International Conference on Nanostructure Materials, June 14-19, 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.
- J.A. Juarez-Islas, C.G. Rivera, Y. Zhou, E.J. Lavernia, “Solidification behaviour of atomized Al-Fe powders”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials, August 25-30, 1996, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- Q. Xu, R.W. Hayes, W.H. Hunt, Jr. and E.J. Lavernia, “Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of Functionally Graded 6061/SiCp Composites Produced by Spray Atomization and Co-Deposition”, conference proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, May 31 – June 4, 1998, Las Vegas, NV.
- S.M. Jaffe, E.J. Lavernia, “The Deposition Efficiency of Thermally Sprayed Nanopowders”, conference proceedings of The United Thermal Spray Conference, March 17-19, 1999, Dusseldorf, Germany.
- O. Flores, F. Perez, E.J. Lavernia and L. Martinez, “TEM Characterization of FeAl Ordered Intermetallic Compound Fabricated by Spray-Atomization and Deposition”, conference proceedings of ICEM14, Symposium U, Vol. II, August 31 – September 4, 1998, Cancun, Mexico.
- V. Tellkamp, M. Ice and E.J. Lavernia,” Consolidation and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Al-Alloys”, conference proceedings of Powder Metallurgy Aluminum & Light Alloys for Automotive Applications Conference, November 10-11, 1998, Dearborn, MI.