PhD Candidate Civil and Environmental Engineering
Current Research Interests
Examining the reversibility of Secondary Organic Aerosol partitioning in a laboratory setting. Methods of analysis include FTIR (Dillner lab) and VUV-HR-ToF-AMS (LBNL).
University of California, Davis
M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering (2013)
Pennsylvania State University
B.S. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2007)
B.A. International Studies (2007)
B.A. Political Science (2007) with Honors
Thesis: “Urban Poor in Participative Democracy: Determinates of Organizational Forms (Venezuela Under Hugo Chavez)”
Adviser: David J. Myers
French Minor
Pennsylvania State University
– Castleman Group, Physical Chemistry: Metal Oxide Clusters and Sea Salt Aerosols
– Mitchell Group, Developmental Biology: AP-2 regulation in drosophila melanogaster
– Bennett, Political Science: Militarized Interstate Dispute database
Education Nationale, France
– Lycee Charles Hermite: English Assistant