Research |
- Membrane Bioengineering: (a) phospholipid based strategies in the design of new materials and tools for life science research; (b) functional dynamics in phospholipid media (protein-membrane interactions, protein aggregation); (c) optical transduction of membrane mediated transport and molecular recognition; (d) ion-channel based devices; (e) synthetic protocells
- Membrane Biophysics: (a) vesicle rupture and lipid spreading at structured surfaces; (b) curvature, tension, electrostatics, and chemical transoformation-induced phase separation and its dynamics; (c) functional consequences of membrane heterogeneity; (d) membrane-protein interactions; and (e) membrane-colloid interactions.
- General Soft Condensed Matter: (a) comparative studies of phase transitions in chain-based organic molecular assemblies including monolayers, bilayers, vesicles, multilayered organic-inorganics, and liquid-crystals; (b) experimental studies of wetting and spreading at structured surfaces; (c) chemistry in confinement; and (d) nucleation, growth, and kinetics of aggregation in reduced dimensions.
Professional Services |
- 2012- Present Visiting Professor, Center for Biomimetic Sensor Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- 2011-2012 Guest Professor, Molecular Physics Section, Division of Applied Physics, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
- 2012- , Co-Chair Elect, Gordon Research Conference on Biointerfaces
- 2011- Continuing Symposium Chair, ACS Division of Colloids and Surfaces
- 2010 Director’s Review Committee for Materials Science, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- 2008 Panelist, Materials Synthesis Workshop, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, CO
- 2007 Panel Reviewer, Ruth-Kirchstein Graduate and Post-Doctoral Fellowship, NIH
- 2007 Panel Reviewer, NSF Career Award Fellowships, Biomaterials
- 2007 Panel reviewer, Solar Energy Utilization, BES, DOE
- 2006 2nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Nanomedicine: Experimental Nanomedicine, Washington, D.C.
- 2006 Discussant for AAAS Symposium on Nanobiotechnology
- 2006 Guest Co-Editor (with J. T. Groves) for MRS Bulletin Issue on Membrane Materials Science.
- 2006-2009 Program Review Committee, Lujan Neutron Scattering Center, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- 2005-2008 National Visiting Committee, Southwest Center for Microelectronic Education, Albuquerque, NM
- 2005-2008 User Executive Committee, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), Sandia /Los Alamos National Labs
- 2005 Co-organizer (with M. Demirel), ICAM Workshop on Bio-inspired Nanomaterials, Penn State, 2005
- 2004 Special Emphasis Panel Reviewer, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Biotechnology and Medicine, NIH
- 2004 Physical Bioscience Division Review Committee, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- 2003- ICAM (Inst. for the Complex Adaptive Matter) Fellow Selection Committee
- 2004 Panelist, Nanoscience in Biotechnology and Medicine, Regional Life Sciences Summit, Sacramento
- 2004 Co-organizer and Co-chair, “Life-Like Matter” An Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter Workshop, Santa Fe, NM
- 2004 Co-organizer and chair for (1) Optical Probes for Life Science Research, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA (2) Nanotech2004, Boston; and (3) Nanotech2003, San Francisco
- 2003 Co-organizer and co-chair, Adamson’s Symposium Honoring Dave Allara and Ralph Nuzzo, ACS (with M. Grunze)
- 2003 Co-chair, UC System-wide Biomedical Engineering Symposium, San Diego, CA
- 2003 Founding team member, DOE Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, New Mexico
- 2002 Invited Guest Editorial Assistant, Special Issue on Biomolecular Interfaces, Langmuir, ACS