Rebuilding Together, 2012-Present

In 2012 the Sacramento Air Quality Management District, Sacramento Association of REALTORS®, Rebuilding Together Sacramento, Sacramento Habitat for Humanity, and the Sustainable Design Academy at UC Davis created the Home Energy Conservation Program (HECP). The purpose of the program was to create a program to voluntarily weatherize homes in the Sacramento region. The target population was low income homeowners. The Design Academy students assisted by quantifying CO2 reductions before and after upgrades were completed. The hope is that we will eventually develop a protocol that will allow the consortia to participate in the carbon market.
The Home Energy Conservation Program has succeeded not only in reducing CO2 emissions in the Sacramento Region, but also in saving money for low income homeowners with a unique public-private partnership. In 2013, the program won

OneWorldOneUCDavis_whiteAirlines | A Publication of the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District

This graphic shows modeling work done by Ben Bigelow to identify potential areas for the program to focusing on. Click image for larger view.


  • Taylor helgestad
    (Civil Engineering, 2014)
  • Ben Bigelow
    (Applied Math, 2014)


  • Sacramento Air Quality Management District
  • Rebuilding Together
  • Sacramento Association of Realtors Charitable Foundation

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