Research areas

1) Mathematical modeling of the integrated hydrologic-atmospheric processes at global, continental, country and watershed scales for the simulation and prediction of hydrologic water balances

On the physics of droughts. II. Analysis and simulation of the interaction of atmospheric and hydrologic processes during droughts. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 129, 1991.

A regional-scale land surface parameterization based on areally-averaged hydrological conservation equations. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 43(4), 1998.

Upscaling of Coupled Land Surface Process Modeling for Heterogeneous Landscapes: Stochastic Approach. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(12), 2011.

Reconstructed Historical Atmospheric Data by Dynamical Downscaling. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 12(2), 2007.

A study of water balances over the Tigris–Euphrates watershed. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36, 2011.

Coupled Regional Hydroclimate Model and Its Application to the Tigris-Euphrates Basin. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(12), 2011.

Water Balance Study for the Tigris-Euphrates River Basin. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(12), 2011.

Impact of Water Resources Utilization on the Hydrology of Mesopotamian Marshlands. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(12), 2011.

Reconstruction of Historical Atmospheric Data by a Hydroclimate Model for the Mekong River Basin. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(12), 2011.

Application of a Coupled Regional-Scale Hydrological-Atmospheric Model to Japan for Climate Change Study. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(12), 2011.

WEHY-HCM for Modeling Interactive Atmospheric-Hydrologic Processes at Watershed Scale: I. Model Description. J. Hydrol. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000724 (Sep. 30, 2012).

Watershed Environmental Hydrology Hydro-Climate Model (WEHY-HCM) to Ungauged Watersheds: A tool for the PUB (Predictions in UngaugedBasins) problem, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, accepted.

2) Numerical modelling/simulation of the Physics of Droughts

On the physics of droughts. I. A conceptual framework. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 129, 1991.

On the physics of droughts. II. Analysis and simulation of the interaction of atmospheric and hydrologic processes during droughts. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 129, 1991.

Assessing Hydrologic Drought Risk Using Simplified Climate Model. J. Hydrol. Eng., 5(4). 2000.

On the physics of droughts presentation

3) Physically-based numerical hydro-climate modelling of Probable Maximum Precipitation

Physically-based estimation of max precipitation – presentation

Physically Based Estimation of Maximum Precipitation over American River Watershed, California. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(4), 2011.

4) Numerical atmospheric model-based hydrologic flood prediction

Atmospheric model based flood forecasts – presentation

Atmospheric Model-Based Streamflow Forecasting at Small, Mountainous Watersheds by a Distributed Hydrologic Model: Application to a Watershed in Japan. J. Hydrol. Eng., 14(10), 2009.

Coupling HEC-HMS with Atmospheric Models for Prediction of Watershed Runoff. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 7(4), 2002.

5) Modeling of Hydrologic and Environmental Processes at Watershed Scale

WEHY Model & Application presentation
WEHY – Hydrologic Module
WEHY – parameter estimation
WEHY – model application
WEHY – Environment modeling module
WEHY – HCM presentation
Watershed hydroclimate model WEHY-HCM – Model description
Watershed Environmental Hydrology Hydro-Climate Model (WEHY-HCM) to Ungauged Watersheds: A tool for the PUB (Predictions in UngaugedBasins) problem, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, accepted.

6) Scaling Issues

Theoretical hydrology wrt scaling and heterogeneity over sparsely gaged or ungaged basins – presentation
Theoretical hydrology wrt scaling and heterogeneity
Coarse graining of hydrologic processes with increasing scales
Scale invariance and self-similarity in hydrologic processes
Scale invariance and self-similarity in kinematic wave overland flow
Spatial averaging of unsaturated flow equations-Development
Spatial averaging of unsaturated flow equations-Numerical simulations
Scaling and self-similarity in one-dimensional unsteady open channel flow

7) Theory and Physically-based modeling of Stochastic Hydrologic Processes

Spatial averaging of unsaturated flow equations-Development
Spatial averaging of unsaturated flow equations-Numerical simulations
Ensemble modeling of stochastic hydrologic dynamics- with symmetry method – presentation
Nonlinear Stochastic Hydrologic Processes – JHE 2003
Stochastic elastic-plastic finite elements – CMAME_2011
1-D Stochastic unconfined GW flow paper – SERRA
Stochastic 2D Boussinesq Eqn by Symmetry
Ensemble modeling of hydrologic and hydraulic processes: stochastic method of characteristics – 1
Ensemble modeling of hydrologic and hydraulic processes: stochastic method of characteristics – 2

8) Theory and Modeling of Stochastic Pollution Transport

Macrodispersion and dispersive transport presentation
Theory of nonstationary stochastic groundwater solute transport
Ensemble-averaged equations for reactive transport
Comparison of stochastic transport theory with field data
Modeling solute transport by unsteady streamflow
Calculating the macrodispersion coefficient
Generalized Ficks law and ADE – detailed derivation

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