Marjorie Longo: Contact, Bio, and Teaching

Marjorie L. Longo
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of California, Davis
(530) 848-9340


B.A. in Biochemistry-Molecular Biology
Emphasis in Chemical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara, September 1983 – June 1988

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara
September 1988 – June 1993
Dissertation:  Microstructure of Synthetic Lung Surfactants
Advisor: Professor Joseph Zasadzinski

Postdoctoral Associate Position, Cornell University, School of Chemical Engineering, June 1993 to August 1996
Research in:  Membrane Mechanics of Viral Infection and Biomembrane Materials
Advisor: Professor Daniel Hammer


Graduated with Honors and Distinction in Biochemistry-Molecular Biology, 1988
University of California President’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 1987
Patricia Robert Harris Fellowship, 1988-1991
University of California President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship, 1992-1993
National Institutes of Health NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1994-1996
NSF Career Award, 1998-2002
Joe and Essie Smith Endowed Professor of Chemical Engineering, U C Davis, 2001-2006
Chancellor’s Fellow, 2003-2008
2009 Engineering Dean’s Outstanding Midcareer Research Award
2015 Nationally Elected Membrane Structure and Assembly Subgroup Chair of the Biophysical Society
2020-2023 Editorial Board BBA Biomembranes

Current Funding

NSF DMR Biomaterials Research Grant
ACS Petroleum Research Fund (PRF)


Chemical Engineering
ECH 51 (Materials Balances):  W 2010, W 2011, W 2012, W 2013
ECH 155A (Chemical Engineering Lab):  F 2002, F 2010, F 2011, F 2012, F2013, F 2014
ECH 161L (Bioprocess Engineering Lab):  S 2008, S 2009, S 2010, S 2011, S 2012
ECH 155B (Chemical Engineering Lab):  W 2006, W 2007, W 2008, SSII 2008
ECH 254/170 (Colloid and Interface Science):  S 1998, S 1999, S 2003, S 2004, S 2005, S 2006, S 2011 (as a 289F), S 2016, S 2019
ECH 161B (Bioseparations):  W 2006, W 2007
ECH 253C (Advanced Mass Transfer):  F 2004, W 2015, W 2016, W 2017, W 2018
ECH 161A (Introduction to Biochemical Engineering):  W 1997, W 1998, W 1999, W 2001, W 2002, W 2003, W 2013, W 2016, W 2017, W 2018, W 2019, S 2020
ECH 158C (Biochemical Plant Design):  S 1997, S 1998, S 1999, S 2001, S 2002, S 2003
ECH 142 (Heat Transfer):  S 1997
ECH 143 (Mass Transfer): S 2018, S 2019, S 2020

Materials Science
EMS 132 (Structure of Engineering Materials): F 1997, F 1998, F 1999, F 2000

Biophysics (Team Taught)
BPH 200A (Biophysics Methods):  W 2005, W 2006, W 2007, W 2008, W 2009, W 2010, W 2011, W 2012, W 2013, W 2014, W 2015
BPH 241 (Membrane Biology):  S 2002, S 2003, S 2004, S 2005, S 2006, S 2007, S 2008, S 2009, S 2010, S 2014, S 2016, S 2017, S 2018

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