
Longo Group News

Wade Zeno ’16 accepts assistant professorship at USC

Longo group’s work highlighted by ACS (2018)

Ben Micklavzina and Kaitlin Johnson graduate with PhDs (2018)

Kaitlin Johnson receives Biophysical Society Travel Award (17/18)

Kaitlin Johnson receives ASU High Resolution Microscopy Facility School Scholarship (16/17)

Wade Zeno receives Biophysical Society Travel Award to present his thesis work at Annual Meeting (16/17)

Wade Zeno graduates with PhD (2016)

Undergraduate Yue Deng completes her Honors Thesis (2016)

Kaitlin Johnson receives the GEOMD Travel Award of the Ceramics Society (15/16)

Longo grad students sweep Chemical Engineering TA of the year for 3 years
Ben Micklavzina (15/16)
Kaitlin Johnson (14/15)
Wade Zeno (13/14)

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