
———————————————— 2022 ————————————————

262.   B. Yuan, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen,  Viscoelastic behavior and fragility of Se-deficient chalcogenide liquids in As-P-Se system,  J. Non. Cryst. Solids: X, 16 (2022) 100128.

261.  B. Yuan, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Observation of a reentrant structural transition in an arsenic sulfide liquid, J. Chem. Phys. 157 (2022) 114503.

260.  B. Yuan, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Rheology of supercooled P-Se glass-forming liquids: From networks to molecules and the emergence of power-law relaxation behavior, J. Chem. Phys. 156 (2022) 224502.

259.  H. Chen, S. Sen, Elastic moduli of GexSe100−x (x ≤ 10) glasses in the transition range: implications for elastic models of viscous flow, J. Non. Cryst. Solids. 597 (2022) 121895.

258.  T. M. Yeo, J.W. Cho, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Structure and crystallization behavior of complex mold flux glasses in the system CaO-Na2O-Li2O-CaF2-B2O3-SiO2: A multi-nuclear NMR spectroscopic study, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 105 (2022) 6140–6148.

257. J. Li, M. Madhavi, S. Jeppson, L. Zhong, E.M. Dufresne, B. Aitken, S. Sen, R. Kukreja,  Observation of Collective Molecular Dynamics in a Chalcogenide Glass: Results from X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. B. 126 (2022) 5320–5325.

256. S. Jurca, H. Chen, S. Sen, Structural, shear and volume relaxation in a commercial float glass during aging, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 589, 121650 (2022).

255. B.M. Rogers, I.L.M. Costa, W. Zhu, S. Sen, R.H.R. Castro, Sintering, hardness and cation inversion of nanocrystalline Beryllium – Magnesium aluminate ceramics, Ceramics International, 48, 15116 (2022).

253.   Y. Xia, H. Chen, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Structure and Fragility of Zn-phosphate glasses: Results from multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and calorimetry, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 580, 121395 (2022).B. Yuan, H. Chen, S. Sen, Aging-induced structural evolution of a GeSe2 glass network: The role of homopolar bonds, J. Phys. Chem. B 126, 946 (2022)

252.  S. Sen, H. Chen, Sources of configurational entropy vs. compositional trends in fragility of inorganic glass-forming liquids, Phys. Status Solidi B, 2200002 (2022).

———————————————— 2021 ————————————————

251. B. Yuan, B.G. Aitken, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Compositional Evolution of the Structure and Connectivity in Binary P–Se Glasses: Results from 2D Multinuclear NMR and Raman Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. B, 125, 13057 (2021).

250.   Y. Xia, H. Chen, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Rheological characterization of complex dynamics in Na–Zn metaphosphate glass-forming liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics, 155, 054503 (2021).

249. J. Mark, K.E. Woo, W. Zhu, B. Ji, S.J. Lee, A.N. Adeyemi, S. Sen, K. Kovnir, Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Tetrel-Arsenide Frameworks Templated by Li and Cs Cations, Chemistry of Materials, 33, 4586 (2021).

248.  G. Akipov et al., Third time’s the charm: intricate non-centrosymmetric polymorphism in LnSiP3 (Ln = La and Ce) induced by distortions of phosphorus square layers, Dalton Transactions, 50, 6463 (2021).

247.   E.A. King, S. Sen, W. Takeda, C. Boussard-Pledel, B. Bureau, J.-P. Guin, P. Lucas, Extended aging of Ge–Se glasses below the glass transition temperature, Journal of Chemical Physics, 154, 164502 (2021).

246.   I. Hung, E. Ionescu, J. Sen, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Structure and Connectivity in an Amorphous Silicon Oxycarbide Polymer-Derived Ceramic: Results from 2D 29Si NMR Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 4777 (2021).

245.  Y. Xia, B. Yuan, O. Gulbiten, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Kinetic and Calorimetric Fragility of Chalcogenide Glass-Forming Liquids: Role of Shear vs Enthalpy Relaxation, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125, 10, 2754 (2021).

244.  B. Yuan, B.G. Aitken, S.Sen, Structural control on the rheological behavior of binary P-Se supercooled liquids, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 559, 120669 (2021).

243.  W. Zhu, Y. Xia, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Temperature dependent onset of shear thinning in supercooled glass-forming network liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics, 154, 094507 (2021).

242.  S. Sen, D.C. Kaseman, A review of the application of 2D isotropic-anisotropic correlation NMR spectroscopy in structural studies of chalcogenide glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 561, 120500 (2021).

241.  W. Zhu, O. Gulbiten, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Viscosity, enthalpy relaxation and liquid-liquid transition of the eutectic liquid Ge15Te85, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 554, 120601 (2021).

———————————————— 2020 ————————————————

240.  S. Sen, W. Zhu, B. Yuan, B.G, Aitken, Rheological behavior of molecular vs network chalcogenide supercooled liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics, 153, 134504 (2020).

239.   S. Sen, S.H. Risbud, M.H. Bartl, Thermodynamic and Kinetics Transitions of Liquids in Nanoconfinement, Accounts of Chemical Research, 53, 2869 (2020).

238.  B. Yuan, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Chemical order in binary Se-Te glasses: Results from high-resolution 2D 77Se and 125Te MATPASS NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 544, 120212 (2020).

237.  J. Li, R. Jangid, W. Zhu, C. Kohne, A. Fluerasu, Y. Zhang, S. Sen, R. Kukreja, Dynamics at the crystal-melt interface in a supercooled chalcogenide liquid near the glass transition, Scientific Reports, 10, 5881 (2020).

236.  R.S.K. Madsen, A. Qiao, J. Sen, I. Hung, K. Chen, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Y. Yue, Ultrahigh-field 67Zn NMR reveals short-range disorder in zeolitic imidazolate framework glasses, Science, 367, 1473-1476 (2020).

235.  B. Kalkan, G.Okay, B.G. Aitken, S.M. Clark, S.Sen, Unravelling the mechanism of pressure induced polyamorphic transition in an inorganic molecular glass, Scientific Reports, 10, 5208 (2020).

234.  Y. Xia, H. Cho, S.H. Risbud, M.H. Bartl, S. Sen, Coexistence of Structural and Dynamical Heterogeneity in Liquids Under Nanoconfinement, Frontiers in Physics, 8, 130 (2020).

233.  B. Yuan, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Structure and Rheology of Se-I Glasses and Supercooled Liquids, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 544, 120106 (2020).

232.  Y. Xia, W. Zhu, J. Sen, S. Sen, Observation of polymer-like flow mechanism   in a short-chain phosphate glass-forming liquid, Journal of Chemical Physics, 152, 044502 (2020).

231.  Y. Xia, H. Cho, M. Deo, S.H. Risbud, M.H. Bartl, S. Sen, Layer-by-layer freezing of nanoconfined water, Scientific Reports, 10, 5327 (2020).

230. W. Zhu, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Investigation of the shear relaxation behavior of As-Se liquids within the framework of entropic and elastic models of viscous flow, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 534, 119959 (2020).

229.  S. Sen, Dynamics in inorganic glass-forming liquids by NMR spectroscopy, Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Spectroscopy, 116, 155-176 (2020).

228.  B. Yuan, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Rheology of supercooled Se-Te chain liquids: Role of Te as an interchain cross-linker, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 529, 119764(2020).

———————————————— 2019 ————————————————

227.  W Zhu, I Hung, Z Gan, B Aitken, S Sen,Dynamical processes related to viscous flow in a supercooled arsenic selenide glass-forming liquid: Results from high-temperature 77Se NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 526, 119698 (2019).

226.  S. Sen, J.K. Mason, Topological Constraint Theory for Network Glasses and Glass-Forming Liquids: A Rigid Polytope Approach, Frontiers in Materials, 6, 213 (2019).

225.  B. Yuan, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Is the λ-transition in liquid sulfur a fragile-to-strong transition?, J. Chemical Physics, 150, 041105 (2019).

224.  B. Kalkan, C.J. Benmore, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, S.M. Clark, A comparative study of the atomic structures of Ge-doped As4S3 and P4Se3 molecular glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 514, 83-89 (2019).

223.  C. Yang, W. Zhu, S. Sen, R.H.R. Castro, Size inversion induces thermodynamic stability against coarsening in zinc aluminate spinel, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 14, 8818-8826 (2019).

222.  S. Sen, Y. Xia, W. Zhu, M. Lockhart, B.G. Aitken, Nature of the floppy-to-rigid transition in chalcogenide glass-forming liquids, J. Chemical Physics, 150, 144509 (2019).

221.  Y. Xia, W. Zhu, M. Lockhart, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Fragility and rheological behavior of metaphosphate liquids: Insights into their chain vs. network characters, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 514, 77-82 (2019).

220.  M.A.T. Marple, M. Jesuit, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Feller, S. Sen, Structure of TeO2 glass: Results from 2D 125Te NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 513, 183-190 (2019).

219.  W. Zhu, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Observation of a dynamical crossover in the shear relaxation processes in supercooled selenium near the glass transition, J. Chemical Physics, 150, 094502 (2019).

218.  W. Zhu, M.A.T. Marple, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen. Response to Comment on “An experimental critique on the existence of fragile-to-strong transition in glass forming liquids”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 509, 127-129 (2019).

217.  P. Lucas, G.J. Coleman, S. Sen, S. Cui, Y. Guimond, L. Calvez, C. Boussard-Pledel, B. Bureau, J. Troles, Structural and chemical homogeneity of chalcogenide glass prepared by melt-rocking, J. Chemical Physics, 150, 014505 (2019).

216.  M.A.T. Marple, V. Yong, S. Sen, Fragility and aging behavior of SixSe1-x glasses and liquids, J. Chemical Physics, 150, 044506 (2019).

———————————————— 2018 ————————————————

215.  B. Yuan, W. Zhu, I. Hung, Z. Gan, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Structure and chemical order in S-Se binary glasses, J. Phys. Chem. B, 122, 50, 12219-12226 (2018).

214.  W. Zhu, M.J. Lockhart, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Dynamical rigidity transition in the viscoelastic properties of chalcogenide glass-forming liquids, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 502, 244 (2018).
213. Y. Xia, M.A.T. Marple, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Network Structure and Connectivity in SnO-P2O5 glasses: Results from 2D 31P and 119Sn NMR Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. B, 122, 7416-7425 (2018).
212. B.P. Rodrigues, S. Sen, L. Wondraczek, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 499, 95-100 (2018).

211. M.A.T. Marple, B.G. Aitken, S. Kim, S. Sen, Observation of a Phonon Softening Effect on Li Ion Conduction in Mixed-Anion Chalcogenide Glasses, Chemistry of Materials, 30, 5896 (2018).

210. W. Zhu, M.J. Lockhart, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Rheology of the l transition in liquid sulfur: Insight from arsenic sulfide liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics 148(24):244506 (2018).

209. J.A. Dolyniuk, J. Wang, M.A.T. Marple, S. Sen, Y. Cheng, A.J. Ramirez-Cuesta, K. Kovnir. Chemical bonding and transport properties in clathrates-I with Cu-Zn-P frameworks. Chemistry of Materials, 30, 3419 (2018).

208. W. Zhu, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Observation of ultra-slow relaxation in supercooled selenium and related glass-forming liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 111101 (2018).

207. Z. Whittles, M.A.T. Marple, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen. Structure of BaO-TeO2 glasses: A two-dimensional 125Te NMR spectroscopic study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 481, 282 (2018).

206. D.N.F. Muche, M.A.T. Marple, S. Sen, R.H.R. Castro. Grain boundary energy, disordering energy and grain growth kinetics in nanocrystalline MgAl2O4 spinel. Acta Materialia 149, 302 (2018).

205. W. Zhu, M.A.T. Marple, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen. An experimental critique on the existence of fragile-to-strong transition in glass forming liquids. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 495, 102 (2018).

204. M.A.T. Marple, H. Avila-Paredes, S. Kim, S. Sen. Atomistic Interpretation of the ac-dc Crossover Frequency in Crystalline and Glassy Ionic Conductors. Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 204507 (2018).

203. S. Sen, Avoidance of a continuous-random-network in vitreous silica: Entropic and energetic consequences, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 486, 9 (2018).

202. E. Ionescu, S. Sen, G. Mera, A. Navrotsky, Structure, energetics and bioactivity of silicon oxycarbide-based amorphous ceramics with highly connected networks, J. European Ceramic Society, 38, 1311 (2018).

———————————————— 2017 ————————————————

201. W. Zhu, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Structural mechanism of iodine incorporation in As-Se-I glasses and its effects on physical properties, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 478, 79 (2017).

200. W. Zhu, G. Moore, B.G. Aitken, S.M. Clark, S. Sen, Observation of Steady Shear Induced Nematic Ordering of Selenium Chain Moieties in Arsenic Selenide Liquids, J. Phys. Chem. B, 121, 7715 (2017).

199. M.A.T. Marple, B.G. Aitken, S. Kim, S. Sen. Fast Li-ion dynamics in stoichiometric Li2S-Ga2Se3-GeSe2 glasses. Chemistry of Materials 29, 8704 (2017).

198. S. Sen, W. Zhu, B.G. Aitken, Behavior of a supercooled chalcogenide liquid in the non-Newtonian regime under steady vs. oscillatory shear, Journal of Chemical Physics, 147, 034503 (2017).

197. M.A.T. Marple, J. Badger, I. Hung, Z. Gan, K. Kovnir, S. Sen, Structure of Amorphous Selenium by 2D 77Se NMR Spectroscopy: An End to The Dilemma of Chain vs. Ring. Angewandte Chemie 129, 9909 (2017).

196. C. Ragoen, M.A.T. Marple, S. Sen, F. Boland, S. Godet. Na+/K+ ion exchange in silicate glasses: Results from 17O 3QMAS NMR. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 475, 190 (2017).

195. M.A.T. Marple, I. Hung, Z. Gan, & S. Sen. Structural and topological evolution in SixSe1-x glasses: results from 1D and 2D 29Si and 77Se NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121, 4283 (2017).

194. D. N. F. Muche, M.A.T. Marple, I. Hung, Z. Gan, R. H.R. Castro, S. Sen,Size-induced structural disorder enables ultra-hard oxides. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 13898-13905 (2017).

193. R. M. Rakhmatullin and S. Sen, Room temperature ferromagnetic-like response in “bulk” Y-doped CeO2, Physica Status Solidi (RRL), 11,1700010 (2017).

192. W. Zhu, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Non-Newtonian rheology of inorganic glass-forming liquids: Universal patterns and outstanding questions, J. Chem. Phys., 146, 081103 (2017).

191. N.M. Trease, T.M. Clark, P.J. Grandinetti, J.F. Stebbins, S. Sen, Bond length- bond angle correlation in densified silica- Results from 17O NMR spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys. 146, 184505 (2017).

190. J.-A. Dolyniuk, J. V. Zaikina, D. C. Kaseman, S. Sen, K. Kovnir, Breaking the Tetra-coordinated Framework Rule: New Clathrate Ba8M24P28+ (M=Cu/Zn), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 2418 (2017).

189. M.A.T. Marple, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Synthesis and structural characterization of stoichiometric Li-Ga-Ge Sulfo-selenide glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 457,44 (2017).

188. C. Ragoen, M.A.T. Marple, S. Sen, T. Lambricht, S. Godet. Structural modifications induced by Na+/K+ ion exchange in silicate glasses: A multinuclear NMR spectroscopic study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 474 (2017): 9-15.

———————————————— 2016 ————————————————

187.  S. Sen and B.G. Aitken, Observation of Coupling between Vibrational and Configurational Entropy in a Supercooled Molecular Chalcogenide Glass-Forming Liquid, in press, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2016).

186.  D.C. Kaseman, I.F. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen. Stress Induced Alignment of Se Chains in Supercooled Ge5Se95 Liquid, in press, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2016).

185.  J. Wang, M.Marple, K. Lee, S. Sen, K. Kovnir, Synthesis, crystal structure, and advanced NMR characterization of a low temperature polymorph of SiSe2, J. Materials Chemistry A, DOI: 10.1039/C6TA04085C

184.  S. Sen, D.C. Kaseman, B. Colas, D.E. Jacob and S.M. Clark, Hydrogen bonding induced distortion of CO3 units and kinetic stabilization of amorphous calcium carbonate: results from 2D 13C NMR spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, DOI: 10.1039/C6CP02729F

183. J. Wang, D.C. Kaseman, K. Lee, S. Sen, K. Kovnir, Enclathration of X@La4 tetrahedra in channels of Zn-P frameworks in La3Zn4P6X (X = Cl, Br). Chem. Mater. 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b01752.

182. I. Hung, Z. Gan, P.L. Gorkov, D.C. Kaseman, S. Sen, M. LaComb, J.F. Stebbins, Detection of “free” oxide ions in low-silica Ca/Mg silicate glasses: Results from 17O → 29Si HETCOR NMR, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 445-446, 1-6 (2016).

181. C. Kaseman, K.M. Oliveira, T. Palazzo, S. Sen, Selenium Chain Length Distribution in GexSe100-x Glasses: Insights from (77)Se NMR Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Calculations, J Phys Chem B, 120, 4513-21 (2016).

180. D.C. Kaseman, O. Gulbiten, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Isotropic rotation vs. Shear relaxation in supercooled liquids with globular cage molecules, J. Chemical Physics, 144, 174501.

179.  M.A.T. Marple, D.C. Kaseman, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Structure and physical properties of glasses in the system Ag2Se–Ga2Se3–GeSe2, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 437, 34-42 (2016).

178. M. Novy, H. Avila-Paredes, S. Kim, S. Sen, Dimensionality of the ionic conduction pathways in glass and the mixed-alkali effect, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 241104 (2015).

177. M. Marple, D.C. Kaseman, S. Kim, S.Sen, Superionic Conduction of Silver in Homogeneous Chalcogenide Glasses, J. Mat. Chem. A, 4, 861-868 (2016).

176. Lucas, G. J. Coleman, D.C. Kaseman, Z. Yang, I. Hung, Z. Gan, S. Sen, Structural analysis of Cu–As–Te glasses: Results from Raman and 65Cu NMR spectroscopy, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 432, 527-534 (2016).

———————————————— 2015 ————————————————

175. A.W. Mao, D.C. Kaseman, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Structure and Properties of off-stoichiometric Ba-Ga-Ge selenide glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 427, 62, (2015).

174. S. Sen, S. Widgeon, On the Mass Fractal Character of Si-Based Structural Networks in Amorphous Polymer Derived Ceramics, Nanomaterials, 5(1), 366-375 (2015).

173. S. Sen, D.C. Kaseman, I. Hung, Z. Gan, 77Se Nuclear Spin–Lattice Relaxation in Binary Ge–Se Glasses: Insights into Floppy Versus Rigid Behavior of Structural Units, J. Phys. Chem. B, 119, 5747–5753 (2015).

172. T. Endo, M. Imanari, Y. Hidaka, H. Seki, K. Nishikawa, S. Sen, Structure and dynamics of room temperature ionic liquids with bromide anion: results from 81Br NMR spectroscopy, Magn. Reson. Chem., 53, 369-378 (2015).

171. K. Lee, D. Kaseman, S. Sen, I. Hung, Z. Gan, B. Gerke, R. Pottgen, M. Feygenson, J. Neuefeind, O.I. Lebedev, K. Kovnir, Intricate short-range ordering and strongly anisotropic transport properties of Li1-xSn2+xAs2. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 3622-3630.

170. A.W. Mao, D.C. Kaseman, I. Hung, Z. Gan, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen, Mechanisms of structural accommodation of Se deficiency in binary Ga2Se3–GeSe2 glasses: Results from 77Se MATPASS/CPMG NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 410, 14-19, (2015).

169. D.C. Kaseman, I. Hung, K. Lee, K. Kovnir, Z. Gan, B. Aitken, and S. Sen, Tellurium Speciation, Connectivity, and Chemical Order in AsxTe100–x Glasses: Results from Two-Dimensional 125Te NMR Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. B, 119,2081–2088 (2015).

168. A.H. Tavakoli, M.M. Armentrout, M. Narisawa, S. Sen and A. Navrotsky, Hydrogenated Si–O–C nanoparticles: Synthesis, structure, and thermodynamic stability, Journal of Materials Research 30, 295-303 (2015).

167. D.C. Kaseman, A. Retsinas, A. Kalampounias, G.N. Papatheodorou, S.Sen, Q-Speciation and Network Structure Evolution in Invert Calcium Silicate Glasses, J. Phys. Chem. B, 119, 8440–8445 (2015).

166. A.H. Tavakoli, M.M. Armentrout, M. Narisawa, S. Sen and A. Navrotsky, White Si–O–C Ceramic: Structure and Thermodynamic Stability, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 98, 242–246 (2015).

165. S.J. Gaudio, C.E. Lesher, H. Maekawa, S. Sen, Linking high-pressure structure and density of albite liquid near the glass transition, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 157, 28-38 (2015).

164. S.J. Gaudio, T.G. Edwards, S. Sen, An in situ high-pressure NMR study of sodium coordination environment compressibility in albite glass, American Mineralogist, 100, 326-329 (2015).

———————————————— 2014 ————————————————

163. T. Endo, S. Sen, Ionic Dynamics in [C4mim]NTf2 in the Glassy and Liquid States: Results from 13C and 1H NMR Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 14888–14898 (2014).

162. T. Edwards, T. Endo, J. Walton and S. Sen, Observation of the Transition State for Pressure-Induced BO3–> BO4 Conversion in Glass, Science, 345, 1027-1029 (2014).

161. A.W. Mao, S.C. Currie, B.G. Aitken and S. Sen, Synthesis and characterization of ternary glasses in the system Na2Se-Ga2Se3-GeSe2, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 404, 91-97 (2014).

160. S.K. Kim, A.W. Mao, S. Sen and S. Kim, Fast Na-ion conduction in a chalcogenide glass-ceramic in the ternary system Na2Se-Ga2Se3-GeSe2, Chemistry of Materials, 26, 5695-5699 (2014).

159. A.N. Clark, C.E. Lesher, S.D. Jacobsen, and S. Sen, Mechanisms of anomalous compressibility of vitreous silica, Physical Review B, 90, 174110 (2014).

158. H.B. Stanley, D. Banerjee, L. van Breemen, J. Ciston, C.H. Liebscher, V. Martis, D.H. Merino, A. Longo, P. Pattison, G.W.M. Peters, G. Portale, S. Sen and W. Bras, X-ray irradiation induced reduction and nanoclustering of lead in borosilicate glass, Cryst. Eng. Comm. 16, 9331-9339 (2014).

157. J. Dolyniuk, D. Kaseman, S. Sen, J. Zhao, F.E. Osterloh, K. Kovnir, mP-BaP3: A New Phase from an Old Binary System. Chem. Europ. J. 20, 10829-10837 (2014). Invited Paper: Young Chemists Special Issue.

156. S. Sen, T. Edwards, S. K. Kim and S. Kim, Investigation of the Potential Energy Landscape for Vacancy Dynamics in Sc-Doped CeO2,  Chemistry of Materials, 26, 1918-1924 (2014).

155. T. Endo, M. Imanari, H. Seki, S. Sen, K. Nishikawa, Fast cation dynamics in the crystalline state of an imidazolium-basedroom temperature ionic liquid due to the presence of a tiny amount of H2O, Solid State Ionics, 259, 41 (2014).

154. D.C. Kaseman, I. Hung, Z. Gan, B. Aitken, S. Currie and S. Sen, Structural and Topological Control on Physical Properties of Arsenic Selenide Glasses, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 118, 2284-2293 (2014).

153. S. Sen, Spectroscopic Observation of Fractal Packing of Oxygen in Variably Modified Glassy Tetrahedral Networks, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5, 555-559 (2014).

152. B. Kalkan, R.P. Dias, C.-S.Yoo, S. M. Clark and S. Sen, Polyamorphism and Pressure-Induced Metallization at the Rigidity Percolation Threshold in Densified GeSe4 Glass, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 118, 5110-5121 (2014).

151. W. Bai, S. Widgeon, S. Sen, Structure and topological characteristics of amorphous silicon oxycarbide networks: Results from Reverse Monte Carlo simulations, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 386, 29-33 (2014).

———————————————— 2013 ————————————————

150. A.W. Mao, B.G. Aitken, R.E. Youngman, D.C. Kaseman, S. Sen, Structure of glasses in the pseudobinary system Ga(2)Se(3)-GeSe(2): violation of chemical order and 8-N coordination rule, J Phys Chem B. 117:16594 (2013).

149. T.G. Edwards, I. Hung, Z. Gan, B. Kalkan, S. Raoux, S. Sen, Structural transformations in amorphous ↕ crystalline phase change of Ga-Sb alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 21, p. 233512, 1-7 (2013).

148. R. M. Rakhmatullin, L.K. Aminov, I.N. Kurkin, R. Böttcher, A. Pöppl, S. Sen, Nature of size-dependent lattice distortions in doped CeO2, J. Applied Physics, 114, 203507, 1-5 (2013).

147. T. Endo, H. Masu, K. Fujii, T. Morita, H. Seki, S. Sen, K. Nishikawa, Determination of missing crystal structures in the 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate series: implications on structure-property relationships, Crystal Growth & Design, 13, 5383-5390 (2013).

146. B. Kalkan, T. G. Edwards, S. Raoux and S. Sen. Nature of metastable amorphous-to-crystalline reversible phase transformations in GaSb. Journal of Chemical Physics, 139: 084507 (2013).

145. J. Fulmer, O. I. Lebedev, V. V. Roddatis, D. C. Kaseman, S. Sen , J.-A. Dolyniuk , K. Lee, Andrei V. Olenev, K. Kovnir, Clathrate Ba8Au16P30: The “Gold Standard” for Lattice Thermal Conductivity, Journal of The American Chemical Society, 135, 12313 (2013).

144. J.F. Stebbins, S. Sen. Oxide ion speciation in potassium silicate glasses: New limits from 17O NMR. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 368: 17 (2013).

143. G. Mera, I. Menapace, S. Widgeon, S. Sen and R. Riedel. Photoluminescence of as-synthesized and heat-treated phenyl-containing polysilylcarbodiimides: role of crosslinking and free carbon formation in polymer-derived ceramics. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 27: 630 (2013).

142. J. Fulmer, D.C. Kaseman, J.-A. Dolyniuk, K. Lee, S. Sen, and K. Kovnir. BaAu2P4: Layered Zintl Polyphosphide with Infinite ∞1(P–) Chains. Inorganic Chemistry, 52: 7061 (2013).

141. H.Y. Zhao, Y.P. Koh, M. Pyda, S. Sen, S.L. Simon. The kinetics of the glass transition and physical aging in germanium selenide glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 368: 63 (2013).

140. A.W. Mao, D.C. Kaseman, R.E. Youngman, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen. Structure and bonding characteristics of chalcogenide glasses in the system BaSe-Ga2Se3-GeSe2. 375: 40 (2013).

139. A.W. Mao, B.G. Aitken, S. Sen. Synthesis and physical properties of chalcogenide glasses in the system BaSe–Ga2Se3–GeSe2. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 369: 38 (2013).

138. S. Sen, S.J. Widgeon, A. Navrotsky, G. Mera, A. Tavakoli, E. Ionescu,and R. Riedel, Carbon substitution for oxygen in silicates in planetary interiors. Proceedings of The National Academy of Science, 110: 15904 (2013).

137. T. Endo, H. Masu, K. Fujii, T. Morita, H. Seki, S. Sen, K. Nishikawa, Determination of missing crystal structures in the 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate series: implications on structure-property relationships, Crystal Growth and Design.

136. A.H. Tavakoli, P.S. Maram, S.J. Widgeon, J. Rufner, K. van Benthem, S. Ushakov, S. Sen, and A. Navrotsky. Amorphous Alumina Nanoparticles: Structure, Surface Energy, and Thermodynamic Phase Stability. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117: 17123 (2013).

135. T. Endo, H. Murata, M. Imanari, N. Mizushima, H. Seki, S. Sen, and K. Nishikawa, A Comparative Study of the Rotational Dynamics of PF6– Anions in the Crystals and Liquid States of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate: Results from 31P NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117: 326 (2013).

134. G. Mera, A. Navrotsky, S. Sen, H.-J. Kleebe and R. Riedel, Polymer-Derived SiCN and SiOC Ceramics – Structure and Energetics at the Nanoscale, J. Mat. Chem. A, 1, 3826 (2013).

133. J. Wang, S. Ganguly, S. Sen, N. D. Browning, S.M. Kauzlarich, Synthesis and Characterization of P-doped Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Si. Polyhedron, 58: 156 (2013).

132. D.C. Kaseman, T. Endo, S. Sen, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 359, 33 (2013).

131. Derrick C. Kaseman, Ivan Hung, Zhehong Gan, and Sabyasachi Sen, Observation of a Continuous Random Network Structure in GexSe100–x Glasses: Results from High-Resolution 77Se MATPASS/CPMG NMR Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B, 117: 949 (2013).

130. Y. Gao, S.J. Widgeon, T.B. Tran, A..H. Tavakoli, G. Mera, S. Sen, R. Riedel, and A. Navrotsky, Effect of demixing and coarsening on the energetics of poly(boro)silazane-derived amorphous Si–(B–)C–N ceramics. Scripta Materialia, 69: 347 (2013).

129. S. Widgeon, G. Mera, Y. Gao, S. Sen, A. Navrotsky, R. Riedel, Effect of Precursor on Speciation and Nanostructure of SiBCN Polymer-Derived Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96: 1651 (2013).

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128.  I. Hung, T.G. Edwards, S. Sen, Z. Gan, MATPASS/CPMG: A sensitivity enhanced magic-angle spinning sideband separation experiment for disordered solids, J. Magn. Reson., 221, 103 (2012).

127. B. Kalkan, C.Sonneville, C. Martinet, B. Champagnon, B.G. Aitken, S.M. Clark, S. Sen, Hysteretically reversible phase transition in a molecular glass,  Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 224503 (2012).

126. S. Sen, Entropic vs. elastic models of fragility of glass-forming liquids: Two sides of the same coin?, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 164505 (2012).

125. C. -T. Chen, S. Sen, S. Kim, Effective concentration of mobile oxygen-vacancies in heavily doped cubic zirconia: Results from combined electrochemical impedance and NMR spectroscopies, Chem. Mater., 24, 3604-3609 (2012).

124. S. Sen, T.G. Edwards, J.-Y. Cho, Y.-C. Joo, Te-centric view of the phase change mechanism in Ge-Sb-Te alloys, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 195506 (2012).

123. B. Kalkan, S. Sen, J.-Y. Cho, Y.-C. Joo, S.M. Clark, Appl. Phys. Lett., Observation of polyamorphism in the phase change alloy Ge1Sb2Te4, 101, 151906 (2012).

122.  S. Widgeon, G. Mera, Y. Gao, E. Stoyanov, S. Sen, A. Navrotsky, R. Riedel, Nanostructure and Energetics of Carbon-Rich SiCN Ceramics Derived from Polysilylcarbodiimides: Role of Nanodomains Interfaces, Chem. Mater., 24, 1181 (2012).

121. T. Endo, S.J. Widgeon, P. Yu, S. Sen and K. Nishikawa, Cation and anion dynamics in supercooled and glassy states of the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate: Results from 13C, 31P, and 19F NMR spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 85, 054307 (2012).

120. N K Nasikas, T G Edwards, S Sen, G N Papatheodorou, Structural Characteristics of Novel Ca−Mg Orthosilicate and Suborthosilicate Glasses: Results from 29Si and 17O NMR Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116, 2696 (2012).

119. T.G. Edwards, S. Sen, E.L. Gjersing, A combined 77Se NMR and Raman spectroscopic study of the structure of GexSe1-x glasses: Towards a self consistent structural model, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 358, 609 (2012).

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118. P. Tandon, M. Tomozawa, T. M. Gross, J.-Won Lee, S. Sen, Int. J. Applied Glass Science, 2, 192 (2011).

117. S. Sen, Density Functional Theory Calculations of 11B NMR parameters in Crystalline Borates, Chapter 19  in Industrial Applications of Molecular Simulations, Ed. M. Meunier, CRC press, pp. 293-301, (Boca Raton, Florida, 2011).

116. B. Kalkan, S. Sen, S.M. Clark, Nature of Phase Transitions in Crystalline and Amorphous GeTe-Sb2Te3 Phase Change Materials, Journal of Chemical Physics,  135, 124510 (2011).

115. N.K. Nasikas, S. Sen, G.N. Papatheodorou, Silicate Glasses at the Ionic Limit: Alkaline-Earth Sub-Orthosilicates, Chemistry of Materials, 23, 3692 (2011).

114. N.K. Nasikas, V. Drakopoulos, S. Sen, G.N. Papatheodorou, Vibrational modes and the boson peak of Y2O3-Al2O3 glasses, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, 52, 143 (2011).

113. N.K. Nasikas, S. Sen, G.N. Papatheodorou, Structural Nature of Polyamorphism in Y2O3–Al2O3Glasses, Chemistry of Materials, 23, 2860 (2011).

112. Z. Xue, T.G. Edwards, S.Sen, Structural Evolution During Precipitation of Alkaline-Earth Fluoride Nanocrystals in Oxyfluoride Glasses: A Multinuclear Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Study, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. xx (2011).

111. Vladimir Martis, Sergey Nikitenko, Sabyasachi Sen, Gopinathan Sankar, Wouter van Beek, Yaroslav Filinchuk, Irina Snigireva, and Wim Bras, Effects of X-rays on Crystal Nucleation in Lithium Disilicate, Crystal Growth and Design, 11, 2858 (2011).

110. B. Kalkan, S. Sen, B.G. Aitken, S.V. Raju, S.M. Clark, Negative PT slopes characterize phase change processes: Case of the Ge1Sb2Te4 phase change alloy, Physical Review B, 84, 014202 (2011).

107. T.G. Edwards and S. Sen, Structure and Relaxation in Germanium Selenide Glasses and Supercooled Liquids: A Raman Spectroscopic Study, J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 4307-14 (2011).

106. N. Ollier, J.-L. Doualan, V. Pukhkaya, T. Charpentier, R. Moncorgé, S. Sen, Evolution of Yb3+ environment and luminescence properties under ionizing irradiation in aluminoborosilicate glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 357, 1037 (2011).

105. Michael C. Davis, Kevin J. Sanders, Philip J. Grandinetti, Sarah J. Gaudio, Sabyasachi Sen, Structural investigations of magnesium silicate glasses by 29Si 2D Magic-Angle Flipping NMR, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, xxxx (2011).

104. T G Edwards, E L Gjersing, Sabyasachi Sen, S C Currie, Bruce G Aitken, 125Te NMR chemical shifts and tellurium coordination environments in crystals and glasses in the Ge–As–Sb–Te system, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 357, 3036 (2011).

103.  E.L. Gjersing, S. Sen, B.G. Aitken, Molecular Dynamics in Supercooled P-Se Liquids near the GlassTransition: Results from 31P NMR Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 2857 (2011).

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102.  Smedskjaer MM, Mauro JC, Sen S, Deubener J, Yue Y., Impact of network topology on cationic diffusion and hardness of borate glass surfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (15): 154509 (2010).

101. J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks and S. Sen, Heat capacity, enthalpy fluctuations, and configurational entropy in broken ergodic systems, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 164503 (2010).

100. S. J. Widgeon, S. Sen, G. Mera, E. Ionescu, R. Riedel and A. Navrotsky, 29Si and 13C solid-state NMR spectroscopic study of nanometer-scale structure and mass fractal characteristics of amorphous polymer derived silicon oxycarbide ceramics, Chem. Mater., 22 (23), 6221–6228 (2010).

99. S. Sen, E.L. Gjersing, B.G. Aitken, Physical properties of GexAs2xTe100-3x glasses and Raman spectroscopic analysis of their short-range structure, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 356, 2083-2088 (2010).

98. M. Smedskjaer, J. Mauro, S. Sen, Y. Yue, Quantitative design of glassy materials using temperature-dependent constraint theory, Chemistry of Materials, 22, 5358-5365 (2010).

97. Jialing Wang, Sabyasachi Sen, Ping Yu, Nigel D. Browning, and Susan M. Kauzlarich, Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of P-doped Na4Si4, J. Solid State Chem. 183,2522-27 (2010).

96.  E.L. Gjersing, S. Sen and R.E. Youngman, Mechanistic Understanding of the Effect of Rigidity Percolation on Structural Relaxation in Supercooled Germanium Selenide Liquids, Physical Review B , 82, 014203 (2010).

95. S. Sen and Z. Gan, Chemical Order around Ge atoms in Binary Germanium Selenide Glasses: Results from 73Ge Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy at 19.6 Tesla, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 356, 1519 (2010).

94. S. Sen, S. Soyer-Uzun, C. J. Benmore, B.G. Aitken, Structure, topology and chemical order in Ge-As-Te Glasses: A High-Energy X-ray Diffraction Study, J. Phys. Condensed Matter,22, 405401 (2010).

93. E.L. Gjersing, S. Sen and B.G. Aitken, Structure, connectivity and configurational entropy of GexSe100-xglasses: Results from 77Se MAS NMR spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C , 114, 6205 (2010).

92. G. Mera, A. Tamayo, H. Nguyen, S. Sen and R. Riedel, Nanodomain Structure of Carbon-Rich Silicon Carbonitride Polymer-Derived Ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93, 1169 (2010).

91. S. Kim, P. Jain, H. J. Avila-Predes, A. Thron, K. van Benthem, S. Sen, Strong immobilization of charge carriers near the surface of a solid oxide electrolyte, J. Mater. Chem, 20, 3855 – 3858(2010).

90. P. Jain, S. Kim, R. Youngman, S. Sen, Direct Observation of Defect Dynamics in Nanocrystalline CaF2: Results from 19F MAS NMR Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2010, 1, 1126.

89. H. J. Avila-Paredes, P. Jain, S. Sen, S. Kim, Oxygen Transport in Sc-doped CeO2: Cation (45Sc) NMR as a Probe of Anionic Conductivity, Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 893.

88. S Soyer-Uzun, C J Benmore, J E Siewenie and S Sen,  The nature of intermediate-range order in Ge–As–S glasses: results from reverse Monte Carlo modeling, J. Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 115404 (2010).

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87. Levchenko, A.., Jain, P., Trofymluk, O., Yu, P., Navrotsky, A., Sen, S., Nature of Molecular Rotation in Supercooled Glycerol under Nanoconfinement, J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 3070 (2010).

86. S Sen, H Maekawa, G N Papatheodorou, Short-range Structure of Invert Glasses Along the Pseudo-Binary Join MgSiO3-Mg2SiO4: Results from 29Si and 25Mg MAS NMR Spectroscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 15243 (2009).

85. S. Sen, E. L. Gjersing, H. Maekawa, Y. Noda, M. Ando, M. Tansho, T. Shimizu, V. P. Klyuev, B. Z. Pevzner, Atomic structure of BeO–B2O3–Al2O3 glasses: 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy at 21.8 Tesla, Phys. Chem. Glasses, 50, 262 (2009).

84. L. K. Aminov, I. N. Kurkin, R. M. Rakhmatullin, R. Böttcher, A. Pöppl, and S. Sen, EPR of Gd3+ Ion in Mixed CeO2–Y2O3 Nanocrystals, Physics of the Solid State, 51, 2282 (2009).

83. P. Jain, S. Sen and S.H. Risbud, Effect of glassy biopreservatives on headgroup rotational dynamics in freeze-dried phospholipid bilayers: a 31P NMR study, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 025102 (2009).

82. R. M. Rakhmatullin, L. K. Aminov, I. N. Kurkin, R. Böttcher, A. Pöppl, H. J. Avila-Paredes, S. Kim, S. Sen, EPR linewidth narrowing of Gd3+ ions in Y-doped ceria nanocrystals with decreasing crystallite size, J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 131, 124515.

81. Jain, P., Levchenko, A., Yu, P., Sen, S., Molecular dynamics in supercooled glycerol: Results from 13C NMR spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys., 130, 194506 (2009).

80.  E.L. Gjersing, S. Sen, H. Maekawa and BG. Aitken, Hierarchical dynamics of As2P2S8 quasi-molecular units in a supercooled liquid in the As-P-S system: A 31P NMR spectroscopic study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113, 8514 (2009).

79.  J.C. Mauro, S. Soyer-Uzun, W. Bras, S. Sen, Nonmonotonic evolution of density fluctuations during glass relaxation, Physical Review Letters, 102, 155506 (2009).

78.  P. Jain, H. J. Avila-Paredes, C. Gapuz, S. Sen, S. Kim, High-Resolution 89Y and 45Sc NMR Spectroscopic Study of Short-Range Structural Order in Nanocrystalline Y- and Sc-doped CeO2 and ZrO2, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 6553 (2009).

77.  S. Soyer-Uzun, S. Sen, and B. G. Aitken, Network vs Molecular Structural Characteristics of Ge-Doped Arsenic Sulfide Glasses: A Combined Neutron/X-ray Diffraction, Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, and Raman Spectroscopic Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 6231 (2009).

76.  E.L. Gjersing, S. Sen and BG. Aitken, Vibrational entropy near glass transition in a chalcogenide glass and supercooled liquid, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355, 748 (2009).

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75.  R. Weber, S. Sen, R.E. Youngman, R.T. Hart, C.J. Benmore, Structure of High Alumina Content Al2O3-SiO2 Composition Glasses, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, (2008).

74. S. Sen, Differential mobility and spatially heterogeneous dynamics of oxygen atoms in a supercooled glass-forming network liquid, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 100201(R) (2008).

73. Q. Mei and C. J. Benmore, S. Sen, R. Sharma and J. L. Yarger, Intermediate range order in vitreous silica from a partial structure factor analysis, Physical Review B, 78, 144204 (2008).

72. S. Soyer-Uzun, S.J. Gaudio, S. Sen, Q. Mei, C. Benmore, C.A. Tulk, J. Xu, B.G. Aitken, In situ high-pressure X-ray diffraction study of densification of a molecular chalcogenide glass, J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69, 2336-2340 (2008).

71. S. Sen, H. Avila-Paredes, S. Kim, Direct spectroscopic observation of size-dependent vacancy distribution in Y-doped CeO2, J. Mat. Chem. 18, 3915-3917 (2008).

70.  S. Sen, Density functional theory calculations of 11B NMR parameters in crystallineborates, Molecular Simulation, 34, 1115-1120 (2008).

69.  S. Sen, P. Yu, V.P. Klyuev, B.Z. Pevzner, Atomic structure of beryllium boroaluminate glasses: A multi-nuclear NMR spectroscopic study, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 354, 4005-4011, (2008).

68.  S. Sen, S. Joshi, B.G. Aitken and S. Khalid, Atomic structure and chemical order in binary Ge–Te and As–Te glasses: A Te K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopic study, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 354, 4620-4625 (2008).

67.  S. Soyer-Uzun, S. Sen, C. Benmore and B.G. Aitken, A combined neutron and x-ray diffraction study of short and intermediate-range structural characteristics of Ge-As sulfide glasses, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 20, 335105 (2008).

66.  S. Sen and J. Tangeman, Evidence for anomalously large degree of polymerization in Mg2SiO4 glass and melt, American Mineralogist 93, 946-949 (2008).

65.  S. Soyer-Uzun, S. Sen, C. Benmore and B.G. Aitken, Short and intermediate-range structural order in Ge-As sulfide glasses: A Neutron diffraction study, J. Physical Chemistry C, 112, 7263-7269 (2008).

64.  S. Gaudio, S. S. Sen and C.E. Lesher, Pressure-induced structural changes and densification of vitreous MgSiO3, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 72, 1222-1230 (2008).

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63.  S. Sen, S. Soyer-Uzun, E.L. Gjersing, B.G .Aitken, S. Gaudio, A.N. Clark and C.E. Lesher, Pressure-induced instabilities of low-dimensional structural units in chalcogenide glasses at ambient temperature, Journal of Optoelectronics and advanced materials, 9, 3553-3557 (2007).

62.  E. L. Gjersing, S. Sen, P. Yu, and B. G. Aitken, Anomalously large decoupling of rotational and shear relaxation in a molecular glass, Physical Review B. 76, 214202 (2007).

61. S. Sen, Sudden Reversal of the Defect-like Behavior of Small Rings in Vitreous Silica, J. Phys. Chem. B. (Letter); 2007; 111; 9431-9433.

60. L. Wondraczek, S. Sen, H. Behrens and R.E. Youngman, Structure-energy  map of alkali borosilicate glasses: Effects of pressure and temperature, Phys. Rev.  B., 76, 014202 (2007).

59. G.N. Greaves and S. Sen, Inorganic glasses, glass-forming liquids and amorphising solids, Advances in Physics, 56, 1-166 (2007).

58. S. Soyer Uzun and S. Sen, A 11B MAS NMR Spectroscopic Study of Structural Relaxation, Ageing and Memory Effect at the Atomic Scale in a Borosilicate Glass, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, 9758-9761 (2007).

57. R. Gubaidullin, S.B.Orlinskii, R.M.Rakhmatullin, S. Sen, A pulsed EPR spectroscopic study of the effect of N and F codoping on the spatial distribution of Er3+dopant ions in vitreous SiO2, J. Applied Physics, 101, 063529/1-5 (2007).

56. S. Sen,  T. Topping, P. Yu, and R. E. Youngman, Atomic scale understanding of structural relaxation in simple and complex borosilicate glasses, Phys. Rev. B. 75, 094203 (2007).

55. S. Joshi, S.Sen and P.C. Ocampo, Nucleation and Growth Kinetics of PbS Quantum Dots in Oxide Glass: Spectroscopic and Microscopic Studies in the Dilute Range, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 4105-4110 (2007).

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54. S. Sen, S. Gaudio, B.G. Aitken and C.E. Lesher, Reply, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 069602 (2007).

53. S. Sen, R. Rakhmatullin, R. Gubaydullin and A. Poppl, Direct spectroscopic observation of the atomic-scale mechanisms of clustering and homogenization of rare-earth dopant ions in vitreous silica, Phys. Rev. B. 74, 100201 (R) (2006).

52. A. Schülzgen, J. Auxier, S. Honkanen, L. Li, V. Temyanko, S.-H. Chen, S. Suzuki, M. Morrell , S. Sabet, S. Sen, N. Borrelli, and N. Peyghambarian, Active micro and nano-structured glass fiber and waveguide devices Proc. SPIE  Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6183, 618306,1-7 (2006).

51. S. Sen, P. Yu, S.H. Risbud, R. Dick and D. Deamer, Low-Frequency Cooperative Dynamics in L-, D-, and DL-Alanine Crystals: A 13C and 15N Cross-Polarization Magic-Angle-Spinning NMR Study, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 18058-18063 (2006).

50. S. Sen, S. Gaudio, B.G. Aitken and C.E. Lesher, Observation of a Pressure-Induced First-Order Polyamorphic Transition in a Chalcogenide Glass at Ambient Temperature, Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 025504/1-4 (2006).

49. S.C. Cheng, S.L. Schiefelbein, L.A. Moore, M. Pierson-Stull, C.M. Smith and S. Sen, Use of EELS to study the absorption edge of fused silica, J. Non-crystalline Solids, 352, 31-40 (2006).

48. J. Auxier, S. Honkanen, A. Schülzgen, M. Morrell, M. Leigh, S. Sen, N. Borrelli, and N. Peyghambarian, Silver and potassium ion-exchanged waveguides in glasses doped with PbS semiconductor quantum dots, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 23, 1037-1045, 2006.

47. J. Auxier, S. Honkanen , M. Morrell , M. Leigh , S. Sen , N. Borrelli , A.Schülzgen, Small mode-size waveguides in quantum-dot doped glasses by Ag-film ion exchange, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 126101-03, (2006).

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46. S. Sen, C.A. Russell and T. Mukerji, Point-charge calculation of quadrupolar  parameters for bridging oxygen sites in vitreous silica: Structural implications, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 174205,1-8 (2005).

45. S. Sen and P. Yu, Observation of a stuffed unmodified network in beryllium silicate glasses with multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 132203, 1-4 (2005).

44. S. Sen, R. R. Wusirika and R. E. Youngman, High temperature thermal expansion behavior of H[Al]ZSM-5 zeolites, J. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 87, 217-223 (2005).

43. S. Sen and T. Mukerji, Potential energy landscape of Li+ ions in lithium silicate glasses: Implications on ionic transport, J. Non-crystalline Solids, 351, 3361-3364 (2005).

42. S.-C. cheng, S.L. Schiefelbien, L. Moore, M. Pierson-Stull, S. Sen and C. Smith, The use of EELS to study the Urbach edge of silica, Microscopy& Microanalysis, 11, 730-731 (2005).

41. S. Sen, B. G. Aitken and S. Khalid, Short-range structure and chemical order in In-Ge Sulfide and selenide glasses by x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, J. Non-crystalline Solids, 351, 1710-1715 (2005).

40. S. Sen and R. E. Youngman, A high-resolution 19F NMR spectroscopic study of barium fluorozirconate glasses and related crystals, Solid State NMR, 27, 77-89 (2005).

39. J. M. Auxier, A. Schülzgen, M. M. Morrell, B. R. West, S. Honkanen, S. Sen, N. F. Borrelli and N. Peyghambarian, Quantum dots for fiber laser sources, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5709, 249-262 (2005).

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38. J. M. Auxier, M. M. Morrell, B. R. West, S. Honkanen, A. Schülzgen, N. Peyghambarian, S. Sen, and N. F. Borrelli, Ion-exchanged waveguides in glass doped with PbS quantum dots, Appl. Phys. Lett., 85, 6098-6100 (2004).

37. S. Sen and R. E. Youngman, Structural role of fluorine in amorphous silica, J. Non-crystalline solids, 349, 10-15 (2004).

36. S. Sen, R. L. Andrus, D. E. Baker and M. E. Murtagh, Observation of an anomalous density minimum in vitreous silica, Phys. Rev. Letters, 93, 125902 (2004).

35. S. Sen and R. E. Youngman, The Structural Role of Al in Homogeneous Binary Aluminosilicate and other Related Glasses:  A High-Resolution 27Al, 17O and 29Si NMR Study, J. Physical Chemistry B, 108, 7557-7564 (2004).

34. S. Sen and R. E. Youngman, Nature of fluorine in amorphous silica, J. Non-crystalline solids, 337, 182-186 (2004).

33. S. Sen, R. Rakhmatullin, R. Gubaydullin and A. Silakov, A pulsed EPR study of clustering of Yb3+ ions incorporated in GeO2 glass, J. Non-cryst. Solids, 333, 22-27 (2004).

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32. S. Sen and J. E. Dickinson, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of femtosecond laser-induced structural modification in vitreous silica, Phys. Rev. B. 68, 214204,1-6 (2003).

31. S. Sen and R. E. Youngman, NMR study of Q-speciation and connectivity in K2O–SiO2 glasses with high silica content, J. Non-cryst. Solids, 331, 100-107 (2003).

30. R. E. Youngman, S. Sen, L. K. Cornelius and A. J. G. Ellison, Novel Structural Aspects of Sb2O3-B2O3 Glasses, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, 44, 69-74 (2003).

29.A.J. G. Ellison and S. Sen, Role of Sb3+ as a network-forming cation in oxide glasses, Physical Review B, 67, 052203, 1-5 (2003).

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28. S. Sen and R. E. Youngman, Temperature-induced structural changes in fluorozirconate glasses and liquids, Physical Review B, 66, 134209 1-6 (2002).

27. S. Sen and B. G. Aitken, Atomic structure and chemical order in Ge-As selenide and sulfoselenide glasses: An x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopic study, Physical Review B, 66, 134204 1-10 (2002).

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26. A .I. Smirnov and S. Sen, High field electron paramagnetic resonance of Gd 3+ -doped glasses: Line shapes and average ion distances in silicates, Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 1-7 (2001).

25. S. Sen and T. Mukerji, A molecular dynamics simulation study of ionic diffusion and NMR spin-lattice relaxation in Li2Si4O9 glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 293-295, 268-278 (2001).

24. S. Sen, C. W. Ponader and B. G. Aitken, Atomic structure and chemical order in Ge-As sulfide glasses: A combined Ge and As K-edge EXAFS study, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 293-295, 204-210 (2001).

23. S. Sen, C. W. Ponader and B. G. Aitken, Ge and As x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopic study of homopolar bonding, chemical order and topology in Ge-As-S chalcogenide glasses, Physical Review B, 64, 104202, 1-10 (2001).

22. S. Sen, S. B. Orlinskii and R. M. Rakhmatullin, Spatial distribution of Nd3+ dopant ions in vitreous silica: A pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic study, Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 2304-2308 (2001).

———————————————— 2000 ————————————————

21. G. N. Greaves, Y. Vaills, S. Sen and R. Winter, Density fluctuations, phase separation and microsegregation in silicate glasses, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2, 299-316 (2000)

20. S. Sen, G. D. Zissi and G. N. Papatheodorou, Local structure around Gd in GdAl3Cl12 glass and supercooled liquid: a Gd LIII-edge EXAFS study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12, 2885-2893 (2000).

19. S. Sen, Atomic environment of high-field strength Nd and Al cations as dopants and major components in silicate glasses: a Nd LIII-edge and Al K-edge X-ray absorption sepctroscopic study, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 261, 226-236 (2000).

———————————————— 1999 ————————————————

18. S. Sen, Temperature induced structural changes and transport mechanisms in borate, borosilicate and boroaluminate liquids: High-resolution and high-temperature NMR results, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 253, 84-94 (1999).

17. S. Sen and T. Mukerji, A generalized classical nucleation theory for rough interfaces: application in the analysis of homogeneous nucleation in silicate liquids, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 246, 229-239 (1999).

———————————————— 1998 ————————————————

16. S. Sen and J. F. Stebbins, Fast rotational reorientation of NO3 ions and its relation to glass-transition in Ca0.4 K0.6(NO3)1.4 liquid : A 15N NMR spin-lattice relaxation study, Physical Review B, 58, 8379-83 (1998).

15. S. Sen, Z. Xu and J. F. Stebbins, Temperature dependent structural changes in borate, borosilicate and boroaluminate liquids: High-resolution 11B, 29Si and 27Al NMR studies, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 226, 29-40 (1998).

14. J.F. Stebbins and S. Sen, Microscopic dynamics and viscous flow in a borosilicate glass-forming liquid,  Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 224, 80-85 (1998).

———————————————— 1997 ————————————————

13. S. Sen and J.F. Stebbins, Heterogeneous NO3 ion dynamics near the glass transition in the fragile ionic glass former Ca0.4 K0.6 (NO3)1.4: A 15 N NMR study, Physical Review Letters, 78, 3495-3498 (1997).

12. S. Sen and T. Mukerji, Diffusion and Viscosity in silicate liquids : Percolation and effective medium models, Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 1015-1018 (1997).

11. A.M. George, S. Sen and J.F. Stebbins, 23Na chemical shifts and structure in crystalline and glassy sodium borates and germanates, Solid State NMR, 10, 9-18 (1997).

10. S. Sen and J.F. Stebbins,  Na ion transport in borate and germanate glasses and liquids: A 23Na and 11B NMR spin-lattice relaxation study, Physical Review B, 55, 3512-3519 (1997).

9. J.F. Stebbins and S.Sen, Temperature effects on borate melt structure and dynamics: NMR studies, The second international conference on borate glasses, crystals and melts, ed. A.C. Wright , S.A. Feller, and A.C. Hannon; Society of Glass Technology, Sheffield, U.K. (1997).

———————————————— 1996 ————————————————

8. S. Sen, A.M. George and J.F. Stebbins,  Ionic conduction and mixed cation effect in silicate glasses and liquids: 23Na and 7Li NMR spin-lattice relaxation and a multiple-barrier model of percolation,  Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 197, 53-64 (1996).

———————————————— 1995 ————————————————

7. J.F. Stebbins, S. Sen and A.M. George, High temperature Nuclear Magnetic Resonance studies of oxide melts, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 192/193, 298-305 (1995).

6. S. Sen and J.F. Stebbins, Structural role of Nd3+ and Al3+ cations in SiO2 glass: A 29Si MAS-NMR spin-lattice relaxation, 27Al NMR and EPR study, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 188, 54-62 (1995).

5. J.F. Stebbins, S. Sen and I. Farnan, Silicate species exchange, viscosity and crystallization in low silica melt: In situ high-temperature MAS NMR spectroscopy, American Mineralogist (Letter), 80, 861-864 (1995).

———————————————— 1994 ————————————————

4. S. Sen and J.F. Stebbins, Phase separation, clustering and fractal characteristics in glass: A magic-angle-spinning NMR spin-lattice relaxation study, Physical Review B, 50, 822-830 (1994).

3. S. Sen, C. Gerardin, A. Navrotsky and J.E. Dickinson,  Energetics and structural changes associated with phase separation and crystallization in lithium silicate glasses, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 168, 64-75 (1994).

2. J.F. Stebbins and S. Sen, Nucleation and medium range order in silicate liquids: Inferences from NMR spectroscopy, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 321, 143-153, (1994).

1. S. Sen, J.F. Stebbins, N.G. Hemming and B. Ghosh, Coordination environments of B impurities in calcite and aragonite polymorphs: A 11B MAS NMR study, American Mineralogist, 79, 819-825 (1994).



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Kintu Early, Claude Lacy, Susan Schiefelbein, Sabyasachi Sen, Wanda Walczak, Joseph Whalen, Tiffany James, Hazel Matthews, Chukwuemeka Onuh. Treating soot preforms with a reducing agent.

2. U.S. patent US 6792187 B2 issued Sep 14, 2004.

Ronald L. Andrus, Stephan L. Logunov, Sabyasachi Sen. Ca-Al-Si oxide glasses and optical components containing the same.

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Heather Boek, Michael Murtagh, Sabyasachi Sen. Optical fiber having reduced viscosity mismatch.

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N.F. Borelli, S. Sen. Optical Waveguides Containing Quantum DOT Guiding Layers and Methods of Manufacture.
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5. U.S. patent US 20060135342 A1 issued Jun 22, 2006.

James Anderson, Adam Ellison, Sabyasachi Sen. Method of making alkali metal silicate glass, feedstock, and glass article formed therefrom.

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Adam Ellison, Kenneth Hrdina, Sabyasachi Sen. Adjusting expansivity in doped silica glasses.

7. U.S. patent US 8798412 B2 issued Aug 5, 2014.

Dana C. Bookbinder, Lisa C. Chacon, Adam J. G. Ellison, Rostislav R. Khrapko, Stephan L. Logunov, Michael T. Murtagh, Sabyasachi Sen. Optical fiber containing an alkali metal oxide and methods and apparatus for manufacturing same.

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