
Below are brief summaries of on-going and recent research projects.  Click on the links below to read short 1-page summaries of projects.  Also feel free to download recent manuscripts from our publication list.  If you’d like more information or would like to discuss a topic further please contact the individuals listed for specific projects.

Bio-mediated Soil Improvement

Summary: Suite of research on bio-mediated and bio-inspired geotechnics, including microbially induced calcite precipitation, bio-films, and bio-inspired foundation systems. See more info at the UCD CBBG webpage.

Researchers: Michael Gomez, Charles Graddy, Gabby Hernandez, and Alex Camille San Pablo in collaboration with CBBG faculty.

Integrated Site Characterization

Summary: Development of an integrated approach to site characterization that is based on a project site’s geologic site and hypothesized performance mechanisms, resulting in the site investigation task becoming a process of confirmation rather than discovery.  This follows with the process of site idealization where engineering properties and site stratigraphy are simplified to enable analysis and design.  The process concludes with construction and long term field monitoring.  The flow chart for this framework can be found here.  A series of associated questions that can be considered when designing/evaluating/reviewing site characterization work can be found here.

instrumented Becker Penetration Test (iBPT) for Characterization of Gravelly Soils

Summary: The development and deployment of the instrumented Becker Penetration Test (iBPT) into practice for the characterization of gravelly soils, with a specific focus on assessing penetration resistance and liquefaction susceptibility of gravelly soils.

Researchers: Alex Strum, Kevin Kuei, Max Rossiter, and Greg Sheppard

Removable Test Pile for Improved Pile Design

Summary: Investigation of how the iBPT system, configured as a reusable test pile can be used during the site investigation phase of a deep foundation project to assess pile drivability and to improve the design of deep foundation in gravelly soils.

Researchers: Kevin Kuei, Greg Sheppard, Max Rossiter

Assessment of Sample Disturbance of Intermediate Soils

Summary: The low plasticity and relatively high permeability of intermediate soils (e.g. silty sandy, clayey silts) provide unique challenges for characterization and prediction of behavior.  Project is focused on assessing the susceptibility of intermediate soil to sample disturbance, the adequacy of clay-based sample quality indices to intermediate soils, and best practices for sampling of intermediate soils for industry projects.

Researchers: Chris Krage, and Brian Albin, in collaboration with Prof. DeGroot and Will Lukas at UMass Amherst.

Liquefaction Susceptibility of Intermediate Soils

Summary: Project is focused on assessing the cyclic behavior, penetration resistance, and liquefaction susceptibility of intermediate soils through an integrated approach that utilized laboratory, centrifuge, and numerical modeling techniques.

Researchers: Diane Moug, Adam Price, and Kate Darby in collaboration with Prof. Boulanger.

Variable Penetration Rate Cone Testing

Summary: Project is focused on the use of variable penetration rate cone testing to estimate the drained and undrained properties of various soils, including intermediate soils and mine tailings.

Researchers: Chris Krage

Influence of Spatial Variability in Site Characterization and Geosystem Performance

Summary: Development of tools and analysis procedures that can rigorously quantify spatial variability in subsurface through alternate site investigation planning and incorporate the effect of spatial variability on the performance of geosystems.

Researchers: Chris Krage, and Sean Munter in collaboration with Prof. Boulanger.

Risk Management Practices for Site Investigation

Summary: Review and analysis of 1600 legal claim files to identify what aspects of geotechnical engineering work provides greatest business risk.  Development of alternate site characterization strategies to reduce risk exposure.

Researchers: Lisa Yabusaki in collaboration with Prof. Pat Lucia.

Sustainable Considerations in Geotechnical Design and Construction

Summary:  Review of current methods for life cycle analysis of geotechnical systems and development of geotechnical life cycle sustainability framework.

Researchers: Alena Raymond in collaboration with Prof. Alissa Kendall.



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