Sustainable Biogeotechnics

A bio-inspired and bio-mediated civil infrastructure future...

Research Team

An integration experts in civil engineering, biology, sustainability, and moreā€¦


A bio-mediated technology that can transform sand into sandstone...

Education and Community Outreach

Young engineers testing their civil infrastructure ideas...

Bio-inspired - How do tree root systems provide anchorage?

Exploring how natural root systems can help us design better foundations...
The NSF funded Engineering Research Center for Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG) vision is to develop new generation of biogeotechnical engineering processes and solutions inspired by nature to transform the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure and resource development systems. This will be accomplished through the development of innovate bio-mediated and bio-inspired solutions, inspiring a new generation of diverse, entrepreneurial biogeotechnical professionals, and integrating biogeotechnics into practice.
The CBBG is a multi-university center between UCD, Georgia Tech, New Mexico State University, and led by Arizona State University. This webpage focuses on UCD activities. The overarching CBBG webpage is
Mountain View

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