Grade Beams for Small CIDH Piles

These photos are of grade beams that connect CIDH piles together beneath a 3-story building in Davis, California, in 1998. The grade beams tie the CIDH piles together, increasing the restraint against lateral movement of any one column base. The grade beams are not required to support significant structural loads directly. Grade beams are used to connect column foundations together, whether the columns are supported on individual spread footings, individual piles, or pile groups.
Grade Beams P1-Labeled

Trenches in the soil will act as forms for reinforced concrete grade beams. Wood forms are only needed for the above ground portions of the grade beam.

Grade Beams P2-Labeled

This trench extends diagonally from a corner column to an interior column location. The reinforcing steel cages will be lowered inside the trenches and supported on small concrete blocks.

Grade Beams P3_1-Labeled

This trench extends along the outer wall of the building. Notice the vertical rebar dowels extending out of completed CIDH (cast in drilled hole) piles at each of the main column locations.


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