- Development of Solar-Battey Microgrid The GTL received a grant from the CEC to develop a microgrid at the UC Davis RMI Winery using second-life EV batteries.
- Screen capture of the 3D animation rendered with the reconstructed voxel data set. The internal structure can be analyzed by freely rotating the model. Water blockages inside the flow channel can be immediately identified.
- Fig. 1 Effect of the cross leakage flow on the liquid water distribution in a PEM fuel cell; (a) a colorized neutron image; liquid water distribution in an operating fuel cell (b) a contour plot of the reactant flow velocity in the gas diffusion layer
- Unsteady two-phase simulation results using LB binary fluid model simulating two-phase flow through fibrous structure of carbon paper GDL; blue area is the liquid bubble and black colored area indicates solid obstacle (carbon fiber). 1~2: liquid droplet starts to move, driven by the mean flow and hit the porous surface, 3~8: droplet deforms and breaks up into smaller ligaments moving into the porous region, 9~12: detached droplets leave the porous area while the major part of liquid water is trapped and remains in the porous area. ReL = 0.1, Ca = 2.3 × 10-5.
- Unsteady liquid water discharging from the gas diffusion layer; the pressure gradient is 6.5 × 105 Pa/m and contact angle is 135 o, time step between each figure is 500 msec.
- Microscopic pictures of the carbon gas diffusion media; (a) carbon cloth (a white square represents the computational domain and a white dotted circle the region of tow), (b) carbon paper (a white square represents the computational domain)
- For their senior design project, undergraduates Jonathan Kurniawan and Garrett Gomes built a fuel cell range extending EV.