Development of an Energy-efficient Cylindrical Grinding Machine

Development of an Energy-efficient Cylindrical Grinding Machine

The Hahn Grinder, built by R.S. Hahn and kindly donated by Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, had been used in a previous life for research on force-feedback controlled grinding and dressing; and was utilized to minimize taper error induced by unwanted deflection in grinder spindles. It is an internal and external cylindrical grinder with rotary dressing.

The grinder is being refurbished to perform sustainability studies on resource consumption (consumables, energy, labor, and equipment) and liability production (wastes, emissions, energy losses, and labor hazards). Leveling feet were kindly donated by Mason Industries.

Hahn_grinder    A friction test stand is used to analyze guideway friction.


  1. Ian Garretson, Bernd Peukert, Barbara Linke, Eckart Uhlmann, Hypothetical Sustainability Axioms for Axiomatic Design with an Application in Grinding Machine Design, Proceedings of the ASME 12th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2017, June 4-8, 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA, doi:10.1115/MSEC2017-2874
  2. Voet, H., Garretson, I., Falk, B., Schmitt, R., Linke, B., Peak Power Load and Energy Costs Using the Example of the Startup and Idling of a Grinding Machine, Procedia CIRP, Volume 69, 2018, Pages 324-329, CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018,
  3. Garretson, I., Linke, B., Voet, H., Falk, B., Schmitt, R., Peak Power Load and Energy Costs Example of Startup and Idling of a Grinder, Poster at the RAMP workshop on June 21, 2018 at the NAMRC/MSEC 2018, College Station, TX, USA
  4. Garretson, IC, Guo, Q, & Linke, BS. “Designing a Stand for Machine Tool Energy Efficiency, With Pump Embodied Energy Tradeoff Case Study.” Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 5: 26th Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference (DFMLC). Virtual, Online. August 17–19, 2021. V005T05A022. ASME.

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